Project Details

Pokročilé metody automatické verifikace parametrických a nekonečně stavových systémů

Project Period: 1. 9. 2003 – 1. 9. 2006

Project Type: grant

Code: GP102/03/D211

Agency: Czech Science Foundation

Program: Postdoktorandské granty

English title
Advanced Methods of Automatic Verification of Parametric and Infinite-State Systems

formal verification, model checking, parametric and infinite state systems, concurrent systems


A constant growth in the complexity of computerized systems together with increasing demands on their reliability have currently lead to a strong interest in development of  automated methods and tools for rigorous verification of correctness of such systems. Systems that attract a special attention include protocols of computer and telecommunication networks, concurrent software of control and operating systems, hardware communication protocols, etc. While many relatively efficient verification methods have been proposed for the case the considered systems have a finite state space, automatic verification of infinite-state and parametric systems is significantly less developed. Many practically important systems of this kind are not covered by any automatic verification methods, or the available methods are not very efficient. Based on experience of the applicant with current capabilities and restrictions of such methods, the proposed project aims at their further development towards higher efficiency and broader applicability. A special attention will be devoted to methods of symbolic verification based on using automata and transducers for handling sets of states. Possibilities of using new types of automata together with new techniques for efficient manipulation of the current as well as newly considered types of automata will be examined. Besides the mentioned methods of symbolic verification, methods based on cut-offs and automated abstraction will be explored too. The goal of the project is not only a theoretical research, but also a prototype implementation of at least the most promising approaches out of the proposed ones.

Team members
Vojnar Tomáš, prof. Ing., Ph.D. (DITS) – research leader
Češka Milan, prof. RNDr., CSc.







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