Project Details
SIMLIB - simulační knihovna pro C++
Project Period: 8. 11. 1991 – 31. 12. 2020
Project Type: grant
Agency: Brno University of Technology
Program: Institucionální podpora na rozvoj výzkumné organizace
simulation tools, combined simulation, multimodels
SIMLIB/C++ is the SIMulation LIBrary for C++ programming language. You can create
models directly in C++ language with the use of predefined simulation tools from
the library. SIMLIB allows object-oriented description of models based on
simulation abstractions. Current version allows a description of continuous,
discrete, combined, 2D/3D vector, and fuzzy models.
The library works with GNU C++ compiler under Linux (primary development
platform), FreeBSD, and MS Windows (all platforms on i386+). The library is
portable with one exception -- process switching code depends on setjmp/longjmp
and some lines of assembly language.
SIMLIB/C++ is developed at the Faculty of Information Technology, Brno University
of Technology. The development started in 1991. License: LGPL.
- PERINGER, P. New Calendar Implementation for SIMLIB/C++. Proceedings of ASIS 2008. Ostrava: MARQ, 2008.
s. 166-169. ISBN: 978-80-86840-42-0. Detail
- PERINGER, P. Porting SIMLIB/C++ to 64-bit Platform. Proceedings of XXIXth International Autumn Colloquium ASIS 2007. Ostrava: 2007.
p. 155-160. ISBN: 978-80-86840-34-5. Detail
- FLORIÁN, V.; PERINGER, P. Systém pro 3D vizualizaci výsledků simulace. Proceedings of XXV-th International Autumn Colloquium ASIS 2003. Ostrava: MARQ, 2003.
s. 999-1002. ISBN: 80-85988-88-7. Detail - MARTINEK, D.; PERINGER, P. Parallel modelling in FuzzySIMLIB/C++. Proceedings of 37th International Conference MOSIS´03 Modelling and Simulation of Systems. Ostrava: 2003.
p. 157-164. ISBN: 80-85988-86-0. Detail
- PERINGER, P. New design and implementation concepts for SIMLIB/C++. Proceedings of XXIVth International Autumn Colloquium ASIS 2002. Ostrava: 2002.
p. 201-204. ISBN: 80-85988-77-1. Detail
- MARTINEK, D.; PERINGER, P. Graphical Fuzzy Sets Editor. Proceedings of 23rd International Autumn Colloquium ASIS 2001. Ostrava: 2001.
p. 143-146. ISBN: 80-85988-61-5. Detail
- PERINGER, P. Tools for Simulation Model Optimization. Proceedings of 22nd International Autumn Workshop ASIS 2000. Sv. Hostýn: 2000.
p. 195-198. ISBN: 80-85988-51-8. Detail
- PERINGER, P. Design and Implementation of Fuzzy Extension to SIMLIB/C++. Proceedings of ASIS'99. Krnov: 1999.
p. 209-212. ISBN: 80-85988-41-0. Detail - SCHWARZ, J.; PERINGER, P. Simulation Model of the Traffic Light Crossing with Fuzzy Control. Proceedings of MOSIS'99. Rožnov: 1999.
p. 99-106. ISBN: 80-85988-33-X. Detail
- PERINGER, P. Models of Delay in SIMLIB/C++. Proceedings of ASIS'98. Krnov, Czech Republic: 1998.
p. 51-54. ISBN: 80-85988-27-5. Detail
- PERINGER, P. Tools for continuous Simulation in 3D space. Proceedings of ASIS'97. Krnov, Czech Republic: 1997.
p. 327-330. ISBN: 80-85988-17-8. Detail
- PERINGER, P. Basic Abstractions for Object-Oriented Model Description. Proceedings of MOSIS'94. Zábřeh na Moravě: 1994.
p. 274-277. ISBN: 80-901229-8-1. Detail
- PERINGER, P. Object-Oriented Description of Continuous Systems. Proceedings of 5th International Symposium MOSIS'93. Olomouc: 1993.
p. 83-87. Detail
- PERINGER, P. Object-Oriented Simulation Library in C++. Proceedings of System Science XI. Wroclaw (Poland): unknown, 1992.
p. 121-121. ISBN: 83-7085-023-5. Detail