Product Details
PyLDNS based tool for DNS configuration check
Created: 2009
Czech title
Nástroj pro kontrolu konfigurace DNS využívající pyLDNS
Use of the result by another entity is possible without acquiring a license in some cases
License Fee
The licensor does not require a license fee for the result
DNS, DNS configuration check, DNSSEC, IDN, SMTP check, HTTP check, IPv6
Dnscheck is a tool written in Python which implements some basic DNS tests. This tests are designed to discover some errors or mistakes in the DNS configuration. Or they can just give useful info about a domain.
- Dnscheck is a modular tool. The functionality of the program can be enhanced by adding more plugins preforming additional tests.
- Each module can have a list of dependencies on other modules. A module can process the results of other modules.
- The tool can work with the IPv6 address-space. Feel free to enable the IPv6 functionality.
- It is possible to fully disable the IPv4 functionality, however this is not recommended.
- Includes DNSSEC functionality.
- Supports IDN.
- Can check HTTP servers for activity.
- Can check SMTP servers for activity.
License Conditions
Free software under the terms of BSD license (see
Security-Oriented Research in Information Technology, MŠMT, Institucionální prostředky SR ČR (např. VZ, VC), MSM0021630528, start: 2007-01-01, end: 2013-12-31, running