Product Details
Java Race Detector & Healer
Created: 2007
Czech title
Nástroj pro detekci a opravu časově závislých chyb v Javě
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Letko Zdeněk, Ing., Ph.D.
Vojnar Tomáš, prof. Ing., Ph.D. (DITS)
Křena Bohuslav, Ing., Ph.D. (DITS)
Vojnar Tomáš, prof. Ing., Ph.D. (DITS)
Křena Bohuslav, Ing., Ph.D. (DITS)
Data Races, Detector, Healer, Java
The Java Race Detector & Healer is a prototype for a runtime detection and healing of low level data races in concurrent Java programs. The tool uses the IBM ConTest listeners architecture for tracking the program behaviour and analysing it.
Nástroj i dokumentaci lze získat na URL:
Advanced Formal Approaches in the Design and Verification of Computer-Based Systems, GACR, Standardní projekty, GA102/07/0322, start: 2007-01-01, end: 2009-12-31, completed
Methods and Tools for Automated Bug Detection in Software, GACR, Postdoktorandské granty, GP102/06/P076, start: 2006-01-01, end: 2008-12-31, completed
Security-Oriented Research in Information Technology, MŠMT, Institucionální prostředky SR ČR (např. VZ, VC), MSM0021630528, start: 2007-01-01, end: 2013-12-31, running
Methods and Tools for Automated Bug Detection in Software, GACR, Postdoktorandské granty, GP102/06/P076, start: 2006-01-01, end: 2008-12-31, completed
Security-Oriented Research in Information Technology, MŠMT, Institucionální prostředky SR ČR (např. VZ, VC), MSM0021630528, start: 2007-01-01, end: 2013-12-31, running
Research groups