Product Details
Accelerated Face Detection
Created: 2009
Face Detection, WaldBoost, LRD, SSE, SIMD
WaldBoost based object detection can very well work in real-time and detect objects with high precision in different sizes and in-plane rotations. This project speed-up the detection process by accelerated feature extraction (we use Local Rank Differences) and thus overall performance of the detection is increased. The SSE instructions are used for feature evaluation. The speed-up factor is approximately 3 compared to implementation of Viola&Jones detector with Haar features. Example application is face detection.
[[p class="fancy0" align=center]][[a href="products/object_det/acceleration/upgm.jpg"]][[img src="products/object_det/acceleration/upgm_small.jpg" alt="" /]][[/a]][[/p]]
Centre of computer graphics, MŠMT, Centra základního výzkumu, LC06008, start: 2006-03-01, end: 2011-12-31, completed