Product Details
Dog Detection
Created: 2009
Object Detection, WaldBoost, Haar Features
[[table]][[tr]][[td]]Detection of dogs for surveillance system in underground stations is realized by general object detection based on WaldBoost classifier with Haar features. The detector works in real-time. The system is designed to search profile viewed dogs in low resolution and noisy images.
The dog detector was developed and applied in complex surveillance system ([[a href="" target="blank"]]CareTaker[[/a]]) for monitoring and evaluating the situation in undeground in Roma and Torino.[[/td]][[td width="370"]][[p align=center]][[object width="350" height="300"]][[param name="movie" value=""]][[/param]][[param name="wmode" value="transparent"]][[/param]][[embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="350" height="300"]][[/embed]][[/object>[[/p]] [[/td]][[/tr]][[/table]]