Product Details

Predikce pohybu uživatele v distribuovaných scénách

Created: 2009

English title
User motion prediction in distributed environments
Use of the result by another entity is possible without acquiring a license (the result is not licensed)
License Fee
The licensor requires a license fee for the result
Přibyl Jaroslav, Ing., Ph.D.
Zemčík Pavel, prof. Dr. Ing., dr. h. c. (DCGM)
and others

prediction, distributed scene


[[table]][[tr]][[td]]Prediction in large virtual environments is one of a little neglected technique of optimization a network data flow. The prediction can be used for large scenes with a
large amount of data such as 3D terrain models with high resolution textures. The prediction can download with priority parts of scene which will be probably needed for a moving user in near future. Thereafter the overall amount of downloaded data can be reduced and higher detail of viewed part of the scene by the moving user can be reached
in advance. This project is realized in cooperation with swiss company Cadwork Informatik AG and its branch in Brno.[[/td]][[td width="320"]][[p align=center]][[object width="300"height="300"]][[param name="movie"value=""]][[/param]][[paramname="wmode" value="transparent"]][[/param]][[embedsrc=""type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="300"height="300"]][[/embed]][[/object]][[/p]][[/td]][[/tr]][[/table]]


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