Product Details
Nástroj pro automatický střih videokonferencí
Created: 2009
Potúček Igor, Ing., Ph.D.
Sumec Stanislav, Ing., Ph.D.
Žák Pavel, Ing.
automatic video editing, meeting, rules
[[table]][[tr]][[td]]Let's have a meeting or conference viewed by several cameras. Automatic video editing system produces single video stream from more cameras by choosing the one that contains most of relevant information about meeting session and also preserves several aesthetic aspects for final video. This primarily enhances meeting experience for distant meeting participants. System is developed within the EU project [[a href=""]]AMIDA[[/a]]. [[/td]][[td width="440"]][[p align=center]][[object width="420" height="280"]][[param name="movie" value=""]][[/param]][[param name="wmode" value="transparent"]][[/param]][[embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="420" height="280"]][[/embed]][[/object]][[/p]] [[/td]][[/tr]][[/table]]