Product Details

Software pro podporou přenosu algoritmů umělé inteligence do vestavěných (embeded) systémů

Created: 2023

English title
Software for the transfer of artificial intelligence algorithms into embedded systems
In order to use the result by another entity, it is always necessary to acquire a license
License Fee
The licensor requires a license fee for the result

Optimization of artificial intelligence methods, Embedded systems, Inference, Algorithm optimization


The software implements a complete pipeline for processing annotated data for transferring artificial intelligence methods into embedded systems. The software is divided into four main components: annotation, training, optimization, and inference modules. The system supports a wide range of platforms and operating systems. The resulting algorithms can be integrated into overlay systems and other languages through dynamic libraries with a simple generic interface.


Podléhá obchodnímu tajemství

License Conditions

Pro informace o licenčních podmínkách prosím kontaktujte: Mgr. Eliška Vlčková, COGNITECHNA s.r.o., Karásek 1m, 621 00 Brno, 541228874

EmIC - Embedded Intelligence for Smart Cameras with Traffic and Industrial Computer Vision Applications, TAČR, 2. veřejná soutěž - Program průmyslového výzkumu a experimentálního vývoje TREND, FW02020040, start: 2020-07-01, end: 2023-06-30, running
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