Product Details
Zařízení pro snímání krevního řečiště prstu ve 3D za použití zrcadel
Created: 2023
English title
Mirror based scanning device for 3D finger vein structure
functional specimen
In order to use the result by another entity, it is always necessary to acquire a license
License Fee
The licensor requires a license fee for the result
Rydlo Štěpán, Ing.
Drahanský Martin, prof. Ing., Ph.D.
Drahanský Martin, prof. Ing., Ph.D.
finger vein, scanning device, mirror, reflection surface
The construction of device is created from wooden plywood, which block ambient illumination. Next part of the device is created from camera with NIR sensitive sensor. The illumination of the finger is created from two laser diode. The last part of the device is reflective surfaces, which reflect image from different angle of view from the finger to the camera.
Zařízení je umístěno na Ústavu Inteligentních systemů ve výzkumné skupině STRaDe a jako součást biometrické laboratoře.
Reliable, Secure, and Intelligent Computer Systems, BUT, Vnitřní projekty VUT, FIT-S-23-8151, start: 2023-03-01, end: 2026-02-28, running
Research groups
Security Technology Research and Development (RG STRaDe)