Product Details
Phishing and Benign Domain Dataset (DNS, IP, WHOIS/RDAP, TLS, GeoIP)
Created: 2023
Horák Adam, Ing. (DIFS)
Polišenský Jan, Bc. (DIFS)
Pouč Petr, Ing. (DIFS)
Ondryáš Ondřej, Ing. (DIFS)
domain, DNS, IP, TLS, WHOIS, RDAP, GeoIP, Cisco Umbrella, OpenPhish, Phishtank,
benign, phishing
The dataset contains DNS records, IP-related features, WHOIS/RDAP information,
data from TLS certificate fields, and GeoIP information for 432,572 verified
benign domains from Cisco Umbrella and 36,993 verified phishing domains from
PhishTank and OpenPhish services. The dataset is useful for statistical analysis
of domain data or feature extraction for training machine learning-based
classifiers, e.g. for phishing detection. A detailed description of the data
structure is available on the Zenodo portal under the attached link.
This database is distributed openly under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.