Product Details

DeadlockF, Version 1.0

Created: 2021

Czech title
DeadlockF, verze 1.0
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Static analysis, concurrent programs, multithreaded programs, deadlock, Frama-C, plugin.


DeadlockF Version 1.0 is the first version of a static analyser for detection of potential deadlocks in C programs implemented as a plugin of the Frama-C platform.

The core algorithm is based on an existing tool RacerX. The so-called lockset analysis traverses control flow graph and computes the set of locks held at any program point. When lock b is acquired with current lockset already containing lock a, dependency a -> b is added to lockgraph. Each cycle in this graph is then reported as a potential deadlock. 

The DeadlockF plugin uses EVA (a value analysis plugin of Frama-C) to compute may-point-to information for parameters of locking operations. Because EVA cannot natively analyse concurrent programs, DeadlockF first identifies all threads in a program and then runs EVA for each thread separately with contexts of the program points where the thread was created. The result is then an under-approximation, which does not take into account thread's interleavings.

License Conditions

Free software under the MIT license (cf.

Arrowhead Tools for Engineering of Digitalisation Solutions, MŠMT, Společná technologická iniciativa ECSEL, 8A19010, start: 2019-05-01, end: 2022-07-31, completed
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