Product Details
HDR & Multi Spectral Imaging Library
Created: 2022
Czech title
Knihovna pro zpracování HDR a Multispektrálních dat
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HDR, multispectral data, drones, High-dynamic range
proposed library implements High Dynamic Range (HDR) merging and
tone mapping of images and videos. Tone mapping algorithm can be used for a
wide range of scenes. Library is implemented in C/C++ and it is platform
independent (only dependency is OpenCV and CUDA). Proposed tone-mapping algorithm is
based on Durand and Dorsey, which is based on the idea of decomposition of
image into two separate layers - a base layer and a detail layer. The library
also implements a real-time HDR merging algorithm developed at BUT. This
technique minimizes ghosting artifacts typical for HDR video.
proposed library implements High Dynamic Range (HDR) merging and
tone mapping of images and videos. Tone mapping algorithm can be used for a
wide range of scenes. Library is implemented in C/C++ and it is platform
independent (only dependency is OpenCV and CUDA). Proposed tone-mapping algorithm is
based on Durand and Dorsey, which is based on the idea of decomposition of
image into two separate layers - a base layer and a detail layer. The library
also implements a real-time HDR merging algorithm developed at BUT. This
technique minimizes ghosting artifacts typical for HDR video.
Fakulta informačních technologií VUT v Brně, Božetěchova 2, 612 66 Brno, Q301
Framework of key enabling technologies for safe and autonomous drones´ applications, MŠMT, Společná technologická iniciativa ECSEL, 8A19003, start: 2019-10-01, end: 2023-01-31, completed
Research groups
Computer Graphics Research Group (RG GRAPH)