Product Details
Multitenantní aplikační modul výrobního informačního systému
Created: 2022
multitenant system; tenant; cybersecurity; Industry 4.0
The result is software for transforming a monolithic information system into
a multitenant system. Thanks to this result, it is possible to allocate the
selected module that communicates with the rest of the system via synchronous
messaging (e.g. Rest API or API of database systems) to the center of the
provider (e.g. in a cloud under the management of the information system
provider). It is a gradual transformation that enables the operation of an
information system with preserved functionality, while the transformation is
transparent - the difference in functionality should not be noticeable to the
target user. The transformation of a monolithic system into a multi-tenant one
should enable better control over functionality, performance, usage monitoring,
but also, most importantly, to modify and deploy new versions without limiting
the operation of the system at customers.
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