Product Details
Systém pro odhalování vztahů mezi datovými toky (NetFlow/IPFIX)
Created: 2022
Holkovič Martin, Ing., Ph.D.
Matoušek Petr, doc. Ing., Ph.D., M.A. (DIFS)
Minařík Pavel, RNDr., Ph.D.
Šnupárek Aleš
Střítežský Jan
network monitoring, correlation analysis, netflow, IPFIX, network traffic
The result is software that analyzes data streams and identifies relationships
between them. The relationships found in this way will make it possible to find
out additional information about the encrypted flows, which would not be possible
to find by analyzing only the encrypted connections. Newly derived information
about encrypted streams will increase visibility into network traffic for network
administrators and enrich encrypted connections with additional context to
identify their characteristics (eg, destination domain, purpose).
The result will be integrated into the Flowmon products. The Flowmon collector
processes information in the form of network flows from various locations in the
network, which it provides to network administrators for visualization, analysis
and reporting.
V privátním repozitáři projektu.