Product Details
Geovisto: Marker Layer Tool
Created: 2021
Rykala Kryštof, Ing.
Kachlík Jakub, Ing.
Rusňák Vít, RNDr., Ph.D. (FIT)
choropleth, clustering, D3, geospatial data, Geovisto, Leaflet, map,
The tool represents an extension of the Geovisto library (via an npm package),
providing a map layer that can be used to visualize points on a map. The map
layer works with generic data and allows to visualize user-defined points
representing geographical locations. The solution implements the technique of
near points clustering for aggregation and reduction of big data. Also, it
appropriately utilizes visualization techniques to display additional statistics
related to the given points.
The map layer can be together with the filtering tools of the Geovisto library
used to visualize the distribution of regions' values and their user-friendly
statistics (e. g., the distribution of network anomalies and share of their