Product Details

Geovisto: Choropleth Layer Tool

Created: 2021

Czech title
Geovisto: nástroj pro vizualizaci kartogramů
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Hynek Jiří, Ing., Ph.D. (DIFS)
Kachlík Jakub, Ing.
Rykala Kryštof, Ing.
Rusňák Vít, RNDr., Ph.D. (FIT)

choropleth, D3, geospatial data, Geovisto, Leaflet, map, visualization


The tool represents an extension of the Geovisto library (via an npm package), providing a map layer that can be used to visualize choropleths. The map layer works with generic data and allows to visualize user-defined polygons representing geographical regions. Also, the solution implements various strategies for coloring polygons and finding optimal appearance emphasizing differences between the values of polygons.

The map layer can be together with the filtering tools of the Geovisto library used to visualize the distribution of regions' values and their user-friendly comparison (e. g., the distribution of sources and share of regions in DDoS attack and network anomaly origin).

License Conditions
TRACTOR: TRaffic Analysis and seCuriTy OpeRations for ICS/SCADA, TAČR, Národní centra kompetence 1, TN01000077, TN01000077/02, start: 2019-05-01, end: 2020-12-31, completed
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