Product Details

MODBUS Dataset for ICS Anomaly Detection

Created: 2022

Czech title
Datový soubor MODBUS komunikace pro detekci anomálií v průmyslových systémech
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Machine Learning, Network Security, ICS Communication, Anomaly Detection, Network Monitoring, Datasets


This dataset consisting of MODBUS/TCP communication was created using the Factory I/O simulator (trial version is available). The dataset contains different scenarios that control different industrial processes. For each scenario, files are provided to capture normal communication and communication with anomalies. The purpose of the dataset is to support research and evaluation of anomaly detection methods in the field of ICS. The provided ICS operation, with the help of a simulated factory, is close to the real system and at the same time allows various errors and attacks to be demonstrated.

Metody AI pro zabezpečení kybernetického prostoru a řídicí systémy, BUT, Vnitřní projekty VUT, FIT-S-20-6293, start: 2020-03-01, end: 2023-02-28, completed
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