Product Details
Software pro hodnocení techniky pilotáže
Created: 2020
Gamba Ivo, Mgr.
Mitaš Matěj, Bc.
Blašková Barbora, Ing. (VZ CANE)
Vlk Jan, Ing., Ph.D. (FIT)
Prustoměrský Milan, Ing. (FIT)
flight training; evaluation; cybernetics; machine learning; software; synthetic training; big data
Software for evaluation of pilot techniques combines several information, resources and data. First complex training scenario generator is used to create scenario, which is then executed by pilot trainee. Flight, state and control variables are recorded and combined with data from scenario. Based on these data, the assessment of the accuracy and level of trained piloting technique is evaluated. Optimal flight trajectory by the book or by recorded flight maneuvering of an expert might be used for extended evaluation.
Laboratoř Aeroworks (místnost L209), Fakulta informačních technologií VUT v Brně, Božetěchova 2, 612 66 Brno
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