Product Details

Geovisto: Toolkit for Generic Geospatial Data Visualization

Created: 2021

Czech title
Geovisto: toolkit pro grafickou vizualizaci generických geografických dat
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Hynek Jiří, Ing., Ph.D. (DIFS)
Rykala Kryštof, Ing.
Kachlík Jakub, Ing.
Rusňák Vít, RNDr., Ph.D. (FIT)

visualization, D3, map, leaflet, geospatial data


Geovisto is a library based on the React, Leaflet, and D3.js libraries. It provides the ability to process and visualize generic geospatial data in the form of multilayered thematic maps. Users can do it either programmatically or by using UI. The library allows them to select the data domains and map them to the map layers easily. Besides that, the library provides an API for adding a map extension in the form of the Geovisto tool. Hence, it represents a compromise between the programming map libraries such as Leaflet and authoring systems such as Tableau.

The architecture of Geovisto focuses on the modularity of the library. It consists of the Gevisto core and already mentioned Geovisto tools. The core processes, either the programmer and the user inputs (e. g., geographical data, GeoJSON definitions of geographical objects, and map settings), initializes the map and particular tools with respect to the given inputs. The tools provide map functionality (e. g., controls or map layers).

This version of Geovisto provides basic functionality tools (common map layers and sidebar for management of the tools).

License Conditions
TRACTOR: TRaffic Analysis and seCuriTy OpeRations for ICS/SCADA, TAČR, Národní centra kompetence 1, TN01000077, TN01000077/02, start: 2019-05-01, end: 2020-12-31, completed
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