Product Details

Plně automatické zařízení na snímání sítnice oka

Created: 2019

English title
Full automatic retinal acquisition device
functional specimen
In order to use the result by another entity, it is always necessary to acquire a license
License Fee
The licensor requires a license fee for the result
Drahanský Martin, prof. Ing., Ph.D.
Malaník Petr, Ing.
Pokorný Jaroslav, Ing.

full automatic capture, fundus camera, eye retina, ophthalmology


The functional model of the device serves for full automatic scanning of the
retina of the eye. The person (patient) must place his / her face on the device
so that he / she is looking into the defined area where the camera system is
located. At this point, the eye is automatically detected, the camera system is
moved and rotated (in 5 axes) into the optical axis of the eye, and one image of
the retina is captured, illuminated by a short pulse of visible light. This image
can be obtained by transferring via Ethernet or USB interface to a further work
with it. The use is intended for ophthalmological purposes.


Fakulta informačních technologií, Vysoké učení technické v Brně

License Conditions

Device is licensed under the license conditions of BUT.

Device for automatic scanning of eye retina, TAČR, Program aplikovaného výzkumu, experimentálního vývoje a inovací GAMA (2014-2019), TG01010054, start: 2018-04-01, end: 2019-06-30, running
IT4Innovations excellence in science, MŠMT, Národní program udržitelnosti II, LQ1602, start: 2016-01-01, end: 2020-12-31, completed
Research groups
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