Product Details
MINA: A Tool for Verification of Programs with an Unbounded Number of Threads
Created: 2018
Czech title
MINA: Nástroj pro verifikaci programů s neomezeným počtem vláken
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License Fee
The licensor does not require a license fee for the result
Holík Lukáš, doc. Mgr., Ph.D.
Holíková Lenka, Ing., Ph.D. (RG VERIFIT)
Vojnar Tomáš, prof. Ing., Ph.D. (DITS)
Holíková Lenka, Ing., Ph.D. (RG VERIFIT)
Vojnar Tomáš, prof. Ing., Ph.D. (DITS)
verification, parallel, programs, abstraction, refinement, unfolding
The tool allows one to verify programs with an unbounded number of threads. The tool aims at minimizing the size of the invariants used for proving correctness of the given programs
Nástroj i dokumentaci lze získat na URL:
License Conditions
Free software under the terms of GNU GPL (cf.
AQUAS: Aggregated Quality Assurance for Systems, EU, Horizon 2020, 8A17001, 737475, start: 2017-05-01, end: 2020-04-30, completed
Bezpečné a spolehlivé počítačové systémy, BUT, Vnitřní projekty VUT, FIT-S-17-4014, start: 2017-03-01, end: 2020-02-29, completed
ROBUST - veRificatiOn and Bug hUnting for advanced SofTware, GACR, Standardní projekty, GA17-12465S, start: 2017-01-01, end: 2019-12-31, completed
Bezpečné a spolehlivé počítačové systémy, BUT, Vnitřní projekty VUT, FIT-S-17-4014, start: 2017-03-01, end: 2020-02-29, completed
ROBUST - veRificatiOn and Bug hUnting for advanced SofTware, GACR, Standardní projekty, GA17-12465S, start: 2017-01-01, end: 2019-12-31, completed
Research groups