Product Details
Dermatoglyphix 1.0
Created: 2017
Computer Program for Support and Facilitation of DermatoglyphicAnalyses. The program Dermatoglyphix has been developed to enhancecomputer-aided manual / semi-automatic dermatoglyphic analysis ofhuman fingerprints and palm prints within traditional dermatoglyphicprocedures. The program allows loading images in standard formats(JPG, TIF, PNG), automatic and manual size calibration and necessaryimage manipulations. Dermatoglyphic procedures incorporated in theprogram include both qualitative (assessment of pattern types) andquantitative (ridge counting, main lines terminations, atd-angle,measurement of ridge breadth) methods. Storage format is XML andresults can also be exported in CSV format for external statisticalanalyses.
Distributed under LGPL version 3 open source license.