Product Details
GPU-Accelerated Multifragement 2D-3D Reconstruction Library
Created: 2016
Czech title
Knihovna pro multi-fragmentovou 2D-3D rekonstrukci s GPU akcelerací
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License Fee
The licensor does not require a license fee for the result
Klíma Ondřej, Ing., Ph.D.
Klepárník Petr, Ing., Ph.D. (DCGM)
Zemčík Pavel, prof. Dr. Ing., dr. h. c. (DCGM)
Klepárník Petr, Ing., Ph.D. (DCGM)
Zemčík Pavel, prof. Dr. Ing., dr. h. c. (DCGM)
fracture reduction, 2D-3D registration, atlas-based reconstruction, statistical shape and intensity models, OpenGL acceleration
The library performs reconstruction of 3D polygonal models of human long bones using calibrated 2D X-ray images. The reconstruction is based on a registration of statistical shape model onto the patient´s radiographs. The library is capable of reconstructing dislocated fractures, performing 2D-3D fracture reduction. The registration is accelerated using GPU/OpenGL.
License Conditions
Distributed under LGPL version 3 open source license.
Modern Image Processing Techniques and Computer-based Planning in Trauma Treatment, TAČR, Program aplikovaného výzkumu a experimentálního vývoje ALFA, TA04011606, start: 2014-07-01, end: 2017-06-30, completed
Research groups
Computer Graphics Research Group (RG GRAPH)