Product Details
Created: 2016
The ANSAINET project focuses on automated simulation of computer networks in frame of discrete-event simulator OMNeT++. The motivation behind the project is to provide researchers and network administrators with a tool to help them design TCP/IP-basednetworks. Simulatoroffers easy, cheap and safe environment to test complex network functionality under various circumstances - i.e., how routing protocols convert during the particular link failure; how many users can be affected by serverinaccessibility; whether the firewall rules contain any inconsistencies, etc.ANSAINET is publicly available as one of the official frameworks for OMNeT ++(see Overthe course of its existence, many bachelor/master work has been done at ourfaculty, its simulation modules are also used in industry by firms such as IBMor GMV, ANSAINET served as a basis tool for articles (details on
The reported software extends the functionality of ANSAINET and adds theEnhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol to the portfolio of supportedrouting protocols (being the first onesupporting full-fledged). EIGRP is originally a Cisco proprietary routingprotocol based on the distance-vector principle with a diffusion algorithm fordistributing routing information to ensure loop-less topologies. In contrast to INET's basicframework, ANSAINETs EIGRP adds support for IPv6 dynamic routing as well,because it has been implemented for both address families. Simulation modelsare accompanied by several scenarios (available atthe public source project repository demonstrating their compatibilitywith RFC 7868.
Originální zdrojové kódy - Integrováno do frameworku INET - (
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