Product Details

Poloprovozní ověření zpracování obrazových dat

Created: 2013

English title
Pilot plant verification of image data processing
pilot plant
In order to use the result by another entity, it is always necessary to acquire a license
License Fee
The licensor requires a license fee for the result
Bia Tomáš, Ing.
Řehák Jiří
Koplík Karel, Ing.
Zemčík Pavel, prof. Dr. Ing., dr. h. c. (DCGM)

intelligent traffic systems, traffic monitoring


Pilot image data processing of vehicles are used for verification of routine traffic flow processing. Vehicles are detected by inductive sensors and scanned by cameras. By this method licence plate, shape of the vehicle and in addition headlights functionality and weight of the vehicle (by using another sensor) can be detected.


CAMEA, spol. s r. o.

Research and development focused on monitoring and management of lorry movement on lower class road network in the Czech Republic, TAČR, Program aplikovaného výzkumu a experimentálního vývoje ALFA, TA02030841, start: 2012-01-01, end: 2014-12-31, completed
Research groups
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