Product Details
SLIDE: Separation Logic with Inductive Definitions
Created: 2014
Czech title
SLIDE: Separační logika s induktivními definicemi
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Separation logic, inductive definitions, entailment
SLIDE is a prototype tool for checking entailment in Separation Logicwith user-provided inductive definitions of recursive data structures (lists, trees, and beyond)Basic features:
- Sound and complete for local data structures (doubly-linked lists, trees with parent pointers, etc.)
- Sound for non-local data structures (trees with linked leaves, skip-lists, etc. )
- Built on top of the VATA tree automata library.
Nástroj i dokumentaci lze získat na URL:
License Conditions
Free software under the terms of GNU GPL (cf.
Automatic Formal Analysis and Verification of Programs with Complex Unbounded Data and Control Structures, GACR, Standardní projekty, GA14-11384S, start: 2014-01-01, end: 2016-12-31, completed
Centrum excelence IT4Innovations, MŠMT, Operační program Výzkum a vývoj pro inovace, ED1.1.00/02.0070, start: 2011-01-01, end: 2015-12-31, completed
Spolehlivost a bezpečnost v IT, BUT, Vnitřní projekty VUT, FIT-S-14-2486, start: 2014-01-01, end: 2016-12-31, completed
Verifikace a optimalizace počítačových systémů, BUT, Vnitřní projekty VUT, FIT-S-12-1, start: 2012-01-01, end: 2014-12-31, completed
Centrum excelence IT4Innovations, MŠMT, Operační program Výzkum a vývoj pro inovace, ED1.1.00/02.0070, start: 2011-01-01, end: 2015-12-31, completed
Spolehlivost a bezpečnost v IT, BUT, Vnitřní projekty VUT, FIT-S-14-2486, start: 2014-01-01, end: 2016-12-31, completed
Verifikace a optimalizace počítačových systémů, BUT, Vnitřní projekty VUT, FIT-S-12-1, start: 2012-01-01, end: 2014-12-31, completed
Research groups