Product Details
Nástroj pro vyhledávání a sledování osob ve videosekvencích
Created: 2015
English title
Tool for persons detection and tracking in video sequences
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License Fee
The licensor requires a license fee for the result
Láník Aleš, Ing.
video processing, detection of persons, trajectory recording
This tool serves for search of humans in video sequences and for detection of their short term trajectories in video. The input of the software is a video sequence or series of video sequences stored on a local client disk. The output is preview of humans and their trajectories in the form of dynamically generated HTML page that, ofter clicking, displays directly the original video sequence. The tool is intended for automatic anylysis of video sequences and serves for tracking of the objects of interst and detection of e.g. timing of entry or leaving of building or similar tasks connected to human activities.
Tools and Methods for Video and Image Processing for the Fight against Terrorism, MV, Program bezpečnostního výzkumu České republiky 2010 - 2015, VG20102015006, start: 2010-10-01, end: 2015-09-30, completed
Research groups
Computer Graphics Research Group (RG GRAPH)