Patent Details
Zapojení pro rychlý výpočet kontrolního součtu CRC obvodem připojeným přímo ke sběrnici pro přenos datových paketů
Registered: 6 June 2018 Approved: 2 June 2021
Cabal Jakub, Ing.
Cyclic Redundancy Check, CRC, high-speed, hardware architecture
The invention is a circuit for quickly calculating a CRC (Cyclic Redundancy
Check) checksum by a circuit connected directly to a data packet bus. The main
benefit of the proposed architecture is to efficiently calculate independent CRC
values for multiple packets transmitted on the bus in parallel, i.e. in one data
word or cycle of the synchronization clock signal. The connection architecture is
flexible and supports the processing of general data packets of any variable
length, which do not have to be aligned to bus words. The connection architecture
can be used without change to calculate the CRC sums of any data width described
by any generating polynomial.