Supercomputing Technologies Research Group SC@FIT
Closed-loop Individualized image-guided Transcranial Ultrasonic Stimulation, EU, HORIZON EUROPE, 101071008, start: 2022-08-01, end: 2026-07-31, running
Photoacoustic/Ultrasound Mammoscopy for evaluating screening-detected lesions in the breast, MŠMT, Společná technologická iniciativa ECSEL, PAMMOTH, start: 2017-01-01, end: 2021-06-30, completed
Large-Scale Ultrasound Propagation Simulations in the Human Brain, OVZ, Ostatní veřejné zdroje financování nepatřící do institucionálních zdrojů ČR, SoMoPro-II-2013-IG, start: 2014-01-01, end: 2016-12-31, completed
Hardware education support based on FITkit platform, MŠMT, Fond rozvoje vysokých škol (FRVŠ), FR2826/2010/G1, start: 2010-01-12, end: 2010-12-31, completed
Laboratory for design and prototyping of an advanced electronic systems, MŠMT, Fond rozvoje vysokých škol (FRVŠ), FR2789/2010/Aa, start: 2010-01-12, end: 2010-12-31, completed
IBM Faculty Award 2009, start: 2008-11-28, end: 2009-12-31, completed
EDA evolutionary design of group communication schedules, FR2983/2006/G1, start: 2006-01-01, end: 2006-12-31, completed
Architectures of Embedded Systems Networks, GACR, Standardní projekty, GA102/05/0467, start: 2005-01-01, end: 2007-12-31, completed
Parallel system performance prediction and tuning, GACR, Standardní projekty, GA102/02/0503, start: 2002-01-01, end: 2004-12-31, completed
Parallel Architectures and Programming for CBSE - course development, IMG-97-CZ-2065, start: 1998-01-01, end: 1998-12-31, completed
Workshops on simulation of parallel computations at universities of New Zealand and Australia, PG 98074, start: 1998-01-01, end: 1998-12-31, completed
Engineering of Computer-Based Systems, FR618/1997/F1, start: 1997-01-01, end: 1997-12-31, completed
Advanced Computer Architecture - course development, IMG-95-CZ-1038, start: 1995-01-01, end: 1995-12-31, completed
Developement of flexible digital architectures, GACR, Standardní projekty, GA102/95/1334, start: 1995-01-01, end: 1997-12-31, completed
Stimulating European Industry through High Performance Computing (SEIHPC), COP94-774 SEIHPC, start: 1995-01-01, end: 1998-12-31, completed
Advanced Computer Education Network, JEN 0449, start: 1994-01-01, end: 1995-12-31, completed
Computational models and their parallel implementation, GACR, Standardní projekty, GA102/94/1096, start: 1994-01-01, end: 1996-12-31, completed
Microcomputer Schools - 3 workshops, PECO CIPA 3510 CT 926330, start: 1994-01-01, end: 1995-12-31, completed
Parallel computing and architectures, C32/94-95, start: 1994-01-01, end: 1995-12-31, completed
Advanced Computer Education Project - ACEP, JEP 0449, start: 1992-01-01, end: 1993-12-31, completed