Management of software engineering Research Group
Preparing study programme Service Science, Management and Engineering, MŠMT, Rozvojové programy MŠMT, C11, start: 2010-01-08, end: 2010-12-31, completed
Network supporting university - enterprise collaboration in Southern Moravia, MŠMT, Operační program Vzdělávání pro konkurenceschopnost, EE2.4.12.0017, start: 2009-10-15, end: 2012-10-14, completed
Security-Oriented Research in Information Technology, MŠMT, Institucionální prostředky SR ČR (např. VZ, VC), MSM0021630528, start: 2007-01-01, end: 2013-12-31, running
Identification and analysis of relations of proces and project management in SW product development and their influence on quality management, FR2557/2006/G1, start: 2006-01-01, end: 2006-12-31, completed
Application of Object Oriented Development in Project Management, FR1692/2004/G1, start: 2004-01-02, end: 2004-12-31, completed
Innovation of Introduction to Software Engineering Course, FR1689/2004/F1, start: 2004-01-01, end: 2004-12-31, completed
Research and implementation the knowledge management methods for development and maintenance of software, AV ČR, Informační společnost (Národní program výzkumu), 1ET409980417, start: 2004-09-01, end: 2006-12-31, completed
Enhancement and superior practice education Project Management course, FR1795/2002/F1, start: 2002-01-01, end: 2002-12-31, completed