Best interactive presentation award at the Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE) conference in Lausanne

The award winning paper "EvoApprox8b: Library of Approximate Adders and Multipliers for Circuit Design and Benchmarking of Approximation Methods" introduced a new library of approximate adders and multipliers devoted to low-power computer architectures for e.g. deep learning or Internet of Things. DATE is the world's favorite electronic systems design and test conference which attracted 794 submissions (91 accepted for interactive presentations) and 1350 delegates this year.


Best Papers in INTERSPEECH & ISCA Journals

Best student paper Award at Interspeech 2017 conference in Stockohlm, Sweeden for Karel Beneš and Murali Karthick Baskar for article: 

BENEŠ Karel, BASKAR Murali K. a BURGET Lukáš. Residual Memory Networks in Language Modeling: Improving the Reputation of Feed-Forward Networks. In: Proceedings of Interspeeech 2017. Stockholm: International Speech Communication Association, 2017, p. 284-288. ISSN 1990-9772.


Best Poster Award BIOSIG 2017

This is the best poster award at the BIOSIG 2017 conference (Darmstadt, Germany, 20.-22.09.2017) for the article:
BAROTOVÁ Štěpánka a DRAHANSKÝ Martin. Fingerprint Damage Localizer and Detector of Skin Diseases from Fingerprint Images. In: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group. Darmstadt: Springer Verlag, 2017, p. 267-274. ISBN 978-3-88579-664-0.


Czech Science Foundation President Award

Czech Science Foundation President Award 2017 for excellent results of the Advanced Methods for Evolutionary Design of Complex Digital Circuits project. Team members: L. Sekanina, Z. Vašíček, M. Bidlo, R. Dobai, M. Drahošová, R. Hrbáček, V. Mrázek, D. Grochol, M. Wiglasz, M. Minařík.

Malík Viktor, Ing., Ph.D.
Nečasová Klára, Ing.

Prize of Zdena Rábová

Prize is awarded for excellent study and science results.


Silver Medal of BUT


The Rector's Award

The Rector's Award for excellent results in Master study program and scientific research.


1st place in the ACM IT SPY Competition

The master's thesis of Ing. Jiri Matyas named "Employing Approximate Equivalence Checking for the Design of Approximate Circuits" received first place in the student competition ACM IT SPY 2017.

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