
Jan Pluskal


Assistant professor

+420 54114 1100
C306 Office
128754/BUT personal ID


Consulting hours

  • Ohlášení emailem, předmět: [<predmet>] - téma konzultace)

Pokud se jedná o konzultace k projektům, očekávám, že přijdete s konkrétním netriviálním problémem k řešení. Ohlášení předem na email doprovozené o řešený problém a shrnutí Vaší snahy jej samostatně vyřešit je standardem.

  • Email notification, subject: [<subject>] - <topic of consultation>)

    When it comes to project consultations, I expect you to come up with a specific non-trivial problem to solve. Pre-notification to the e-mail accompanied by the solved problem and a summary of your efforts to solve it independently is standard.

Guaranteed courses

IW1 Microsoft Windows Desktop Systems
Czech, English, winter, DIFS
IW2 Microsoft Windows Server Systems
Czech, English, summer, DIFS
IW5 Programming .NET and C#
Czech, English, winter, DIFS
ICS The C# Programming Language
Czech, English, summer, DIFS

Lectured courses

IBS Security and Computer Networks
Lecture, Czech, English, summer, DIFS
ICS The C# Programming Language
Project, Seminar, Czech, English, summer, DIFS
PDI Distributed Application Environment
Exercise in computer lab, Lecture, Project, Czech, English, winter, DIFS
IPK Computer Communications and Networks
Lecture, Czech, English, summer, DIFS
IW1 Microsoft Windows Desktop Systems
Exercise in computer lab, Lecture, Czech, English, winter, DIFS
IW2 Microsoft Windows Server Systems
Exercise in computer lab, Lecture, Czech, English, summer, DIFS
IW5 Programming .NET and C#
Lecture, Seminar, Czech, English, winter, DIFS
ITU User Interface Programming
Lecture, Czech, English, winter, DCGM
ITUe User Interface Programming (in English)
Lecture, English, winter, DCGM
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