Consulting hours
- Ohlášení emailem, předmět: [<predmet>] - téma konzultace)
Pokud se jedná o konzultace k projektům, očekávám, že přijdete s konkrétním netriviálním problémem k řešení. Ohlášení předem na email doprovozené o řešený problém a shrnutí Vaší snahy jej samostatně vyřešit je standardem.
Email notification, subject: [<subject>] - <topic of consultation>)
When it comes to project consultations, I expect you to come up with a specific non-trivial problem to solve. Pre-notification to the e-mail accompanied by the solved problem and a summary of your efforts to solve it independently is standard.
Guaranteed courses
IW1 |
Microsoft Windows Desktop Systems
Czech, English, winter, DIFS |
IW2 |
Microsoft Windows Server Systems
Czech, English, summer, DIFS |
IW5 |
Programming .NET and C#
Czech, English, winter, DIFS |
The C# Programming Language
Czech, English, summer, DIFS |
Lectured courses
Security and Computer Networks
Lecture, Czech, English, summer, DIFS |
The C# Programming Language
Project, Seminar, Czech, English, summer, DIFS |
Distributed Application Environment
Exercise in computer lab, Lecture, Project, Czech, English, winter, DIFS |
Computer Communications and Networks
Lecture, Czech, English, summer, DIFS |
IW1 |
Microsoft Windows Desktop Systems
Exercise in computer lab, Lecture, Czech, English, winter, DIFS |
IW2 |
Microsoft Windows Server Systems
Exercise in computer lab, Lecture, Czech, English, summer, DIFS |
IW5 |
Programming .NET and C#
Lecture, Seminar, Czech, English, winter, DIFS |
User Interface Programming
Lecture, Czech, English, winter, DCGM |
ITUe |
User Interface Programming (in English)
Lecture, English, winter, DCGM |