// Model // Problem: kmitani struny (SKRIPTA strana 42) // reseni parcialni dif. rovnice, metoda primek // (c) Petr Peringer, 1997 #include "simlib.h" // parameters of simulation: const double Print_Step = 0.001; // perioda vzorkování const double Simul_Time = 0.05; // doba simulace // equation class Struna { const unsigned N; // pocet useku const double l; // delka const double a; // koeficient (napeti ve strune ???) const double b; // pocatecni vychylka uprostred struny class Point : public aContiBlock { Integrator v; // y' Integrator y; // y public: Point() : v(), y(v) {} double Value() { return y.Value(); } void Set(Input i, double y0) { v.SetInput(i); y.Init(y0); } }; Point *y; // uzlove body public: Struna(unsigned _N, double _l, double _a, double _b) : N(_N), l(_l), a(_a), b(_b) { // konstrukce modelu: y = new Point[N+1]; const double dx = l/N; // delka useku const double adx2 = a/(dx*dx); double xi = dx; for(int i=1; i<N; i++) { y[i].Set( adx2 * (y[i+1] - 2*y[i] + y[i-1]), // nastaveni vstupu b * (-4/(l*l) * xi*xi + 4/l * xi)); // pocatecni podminka xi += dx; } } double GetX(unsigned i) { return (i<=N) ? i*l/N : 0.0; } double GetY(unsigned i) { return (i<=N) ? y[i].Value() : 0.0; } unsigned GetN() { return N; } }; Struna s(100, 1, 1e3, 0.01); void Sample() { Print("# x y \n"); for(int i=0; i<=s.GetN(); i++) Print("%-8g %g \n", s.GetX(i), s.GetY(i) ); Print("\n"); } Sampler S(Sample, Print_Step); int main() { SetOutput("struna.dat"); // output file _Print("# Struna \n"); Init(0, Simul_Time); // inicializace experimentu Run(); // simulace } //
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