Mireia Diez Sánchez

M.Sc., Ph.D.


+420 54114 1289
L226 Office
191185/BUT personal ID


  • 2024

    HAN, J.; LANDINI, F.; ROHDIN, J.; DIEZ SÁNCHEZ, M.; BURGET, L.; CAO, Y.; LU, H.; ČERNOCKÝ, J. Diacorrect: Error Correction Back-End for Speaker Diarization. In ICASSP 2024 - 2024 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). Seoul: IEEE Signal Processing Society, 2024. p. 11181-11185. ISBN: 979-8-3503-4485-1. Detail

    KLEMENT, D.; DIEZ SÁNCHEZ, M.; LANDINI, F.; BURGET, L.; SILNOVA, A.; DELCROIX, M.; TAWARA, N. Discriminative Training of VBx Diarization. In ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings. Seoul: IEEE Signal Processing Society, 2024. p. 11871-11875. ISBN: 979-8-3503-4485-1. Detail

    LANDINI, F.; DIEZ SÁNCHEZ, M.; STAFYLAKIS, T.; BURGET, L. DiaPer: End-to-End Neural Diarization With Perceiver-Based Attractors. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, 2024, vol. 32, no. 7, p. 3450-3465. ISSN: 1558-7916. Detail

    ZHANG, L.; STAFYLAKIS, T.; LANDINI, F.; DIEZ SÁNCHEZ, M.; SILNOVA, A.; BURGET, L. Do End-to-End Neural Diarization Attractors Need to Encode Speaker Characteristic Information?. Proceedings of Odyssey 2024: The Speaker and Language Recognition Workshop. Québec City: International Speech Communication Association, 2024. p. 123-130. Detail

    ZHANG, L.; WANG, X.; COOPER, E.; DIEZ SÁNCHEZ, M.; LANDINI, F.; EVANS, N.; YAMAGISHI, J. Spoof Diarization: "What Spoofed When" in Partially Spoofed Audio. In Proceedings of Interspeech 2024. Proceedings of Interspeech. Kos: International Speech Communication Association, 2024. p. 502-506. ISSN: 1990-9772. Detail

  • 2023

    DELCROIX, M.; TAWARA, N.; DIEZ SÁNCHEZ, M.; LANDINI, F.; SILNOVA, A.; OGAWA, A.; NAKATANI, T.; BURGET, L.; ARAKI, S. Multi-Stream Extension of Variational Bayesian HMM Clustering (MS-VBx) for Combined End-to-End and Vector Clustering-based Diarization. In Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH. Proceedings of Interspeech. Dublin: International Speech Communication Association, 2023. p. 3477-3481. ISSN: 1990-9772. Detail

    LANDINI, F.; DIEZ SÁNCHEZ, M.; LOZANO DÍEZ, A.; BURGET, L. Multi-Speaker and Wide-Band Simulated Conversations as Training Data for End-to-End Neural Diarization. In Proceedings of ICASSP 2023. Rhodes Island: IEEE Signal Processing Society, 2023. p. 1-5. ISBN: 978-1-7281-6327-7. Detail

  • 2022

    BASKAR, M.; HERZIG, T.; NGUYEN, D.; DIEZ SÁNCHEZ, M.; POLZEHL, T.; BURGET, L.; ČERNOCKÝ, J. Speaker adaptation for Wav2vec2 based dysarthric ASR. In Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH. Proceedings of Interspeech. Incheon: International Speech Communication Association, 2022. p. 3403-3407. ISSN: 1990-9772. Detail

    KOCOUR, M.; UMESH, J.; KARAFIÁT, M.; ŠVEC, J.; LOPEZ, F.; BENEŠ, K.; DIEZ SÁNCHEZ, M.; SZŐKE, I.; LUQUE, J.; VESELÝ, K.; BURGET, L.; ČERNOCKÝ, J. BCN2BRNO: ASR System Fusion for Albayzin 2022 Speech to Text Challenge. Proceedings of IberSpeech 2022. Granada: International Speech Communication Association, 2022. p. 276-280. Detail

    LANDINI, F.; LOZANO DÍEZ, A.; DIEZ SÁNCHEZ, M.; BURGET, L. From Simulated Mixtures to Simulated Conversations as Training Data for End-to-End Neural Diarization. In Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH. Proceedings of Interspeech. Incheon: International Speech Communication Association, 2022. p. 5095-5099. ISSN: 1990-9772. Detail

    LANDINI, F.; PROFANT, J.; DIEZ SÁNCHEZ, M.; BURGET, L. Bayesian HMM clustering of x-vector sequences (VBx) in speaker diarization: Theory, implementation and analysis on standard tasks. COMPUTER SPEECH AND LANGUAGE, 2022, vol. 71, no. 101254, p. 1-16. ISSN: 0885-2308. Detail

  • 2021

    LANDINI, F.; GLEMBEK, O.; MATĚJKA, P.; ROHDIN, J.; BURGET, L.; DIEZ SÁNCHEZ, M.; SILNOVA, A. Analysis of the BUT Diarization System for Voxconverse Challenge. In ICASSP 2021 - 2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). Toronto, Ontario: IEEE Signal Processing Society, 2021. p. 5819-5823. ISBN: 978-1-7281-7605-5. Detail

    LANDINI, F.; LOZANO DÍEZ, A.; BURGET, L.; DIEZ SÁNCHEZ, M.; SILNOVA, A.; ŽMOLÍKOVÁ, K.; GLEMBEK, O.; MATĚJKA, P.; STAFYLAKIS, T.; BRUMMER, J. BUT System Description for The Third DIHARD Speech Diarization Challenge. Proceedings available at Dihard Challenge Github. on-line by LDC and University of Pennsylvania: 2021. p. 1-5. Detail

  • 2020

    ALAM, J.; BOULIANNE, G.; BURGET, L.; DAHMANE, M.; DIEZ SÁNCHEZ, M.; GLEMBEK, O.; LALONDE, M.; LOZANO DÍEZ, A.; MATĚJKA, P.; MIZERA, P.; MOŠNER, L.; NOISEUX, C.; MONTEIRO, J.; NOVOTNÝ, O.; PLCHOT, O.; ROHDIN, J.; SILNOVA, A.; SLAVÍČEK, J.; STAFYLAKIS, T.; ST-CHARLES, P.; WANG, S.; ZEINALI, H. Analysis of ABC Submission to NIST SRE 2019 CMN and VAST Challenge. Proceedings of Odyssey 2020 The Speaker and Language Recognition Workshop. Proceedings of Odyssey: The Speaker and Language Recognition Workshop Odyssey 2014, Joensuu, Finland. Tokyo: International Speech Communication Association, 2020. p. 289-295. ISSN: 2312-2846. Detail

    DIEZ SÁNCHEZ, M.; BURGET, L.; LANDINI, F.; ČERNOCKÝ, J. Analysis of Speaker Diarization based on Bayesian HMM with Eigenvoice Priors. IEEE/ACM TRANSACTIONS ON AUDIO, SPEECH AND LANGUAGE PROCESSING, 2020, vol. 28, no. 1, p. 355-368. ISSN: 2329-9290. Detail

    DIEZ SÁNCHEZ, M.; BURGET, L.; LANDINI, F.; WANG, S.; ČERNOCKÝ, J. Optimizing Bayesian Hmm Based X-Vector Clustering for the Second Dihard Speech Diarization Challenge. In ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings. Barcelona: IEEE Signal Processing Society, 2020. p. 6519-6523. ISBN: 978-1-5090-6631-5. Detail

    LANDINI, F.; WANG, S.; DIEZ SÁNCHEZ, M.; BURGET, L.; MATĚJKA, P.; ŽMOLÍKOVÁ, K.; MOŠNER, L.; SILNOVA, A.; PLCHOT, O.; NOVOTNÝ, O.; ZEINALI, H.; ROHDIN, J. But System for the Second Dihard Speech Diarization Challenge. In ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings. Barcelona: IEEE Signal Processing Society, 2020. p. 6529-6533. ISBN: 978-1-5090-6631-5. Detail

    MATĚJKA, P.; PLCHOT, O.; GLEMBEK, O.; BURGET, L.; ROHDIN, J.; ZEINALI, H.; MOŠNER, L.; SILNOVA, A.; NOVOTNÝ, O.; DIEZ SÁNCHEZ, M.; ČERNOCKÝ, J. 13 years of speaker recognition research at BUT, with longitudinal analysis of NIST SRE. COMPUTER SPEECH AND LANGUAGE, 2020, vol. 2020, no. 63, p. 1-15. ISSN: 0885-2308. Detail

    ROHDIN, J.; SILNOVA, A.; DIEZ SÁNCHEZ, M.; PLCHOT, O.; MATĚJKA, P.; BURGET, L.; GLEMBEK, O. End-to-end DNN based text-independent speaker recognition for long and short utterances. COMPUTER SPEECH AND LANGUAGE, 2020, vol. 2020, no. 59, p. 22-35. ISSN: 0885-2308. Detail

  • 2019

    DIEZ SÁNCHEZ, M.; BURGET, L.; WANG, S.; ROHDIN, J.; ČERNOCKÝ, J. Bayesian HMM based x-vector clustering for Speaker Diarization. In Proceedings of Interspeech. Proceedings of Interspeech. Graz: International Speech Communication Association, 2019. p. 346-350. ISSN: 1990-9772. Detail

  • 2018

    ALAM, J.; BHATTACHARYA, G.; BRUMMER, J.; BURGET, L.; DIEZ SÁNCHEZ, M.; GLEMBEK, O.; KENNY, P.; KLČO, M.; LANDINI, F.; LOZANO DÍEZ, A.; MATĚJKA, P.; MONTEIRO, J.; MOŠNER, L.; NOVOTNÝ, O.; PLCHOT, O.; PROFANT, J.; ROHDIN, J.; SILNOVA, A.; SLAVÍČEK, J.; STAFYLAKIS, T.; ZEINALI, H. ABC NIST SRE 2018 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION. Proceedings of 2018 NIST SRE Workshop. Athens: National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2018. p. 1-10. Detail

    DIEZ SÁNCHEZ, M.; BURGET, L.; MATĚJKA, P. Speaker Diarization based on Bayesian HMM with Eigenvoice Priors. In Proceedings of Odyssey 2018. Proceedings of Odyssey: The Speaker and Language Recognition Workshop Odyssey 2014, Joensuu, Finland. Les Sables d´Olonne: International Speech Communication Association, 2018. p. 147-154. ISSN: 2312-2846. Detail

    DIEZ SÁNCHEZ, M.; LANDINI, F.; BURGET, L.; ROHDIN, J.; SILNOVA, A.; ŽMOLÍKOVÁ, K.; NOVOTNÝ, O.; VESELÝ, K.; GLEMBEK, O.; PLCHOT, O.; MOŠNER, L.; MATĚJKA, P. BUT system for DIHARD Speech Diarization Challenge 2018. In Proceedings of Interspeech 2018. Proceedings of Interspeech. Hyderabad: International Speech Communication Association, 2018. p. 2798-2802. ISSN: 1990-9772. Detail

    PLCHOT, O.; MATĚJKA, P.; NOVOTNÝ, O.; CUMANI, S.; LOZANO DÍEZ, A.; SLAVÍČEK, J.; DIEZ SÁNCHEZ, M.; GRÉZL, F.; GLEMBEK, O.; KAMSALI VEERA, M.; SILNOVA, A.; BURGET, L.; ONDEL YANG, L.; KESIRAJU, S.; ROHDIN, J. Analysis of BUT-PT Submission for NIST LRE 2017. In Proceedings of Odyssey 2018 The Speaker and Language Recognition Workshop. Proceedings of Odyssey: The Speaker and Language Recognition Workshop Odyssey 2014, Joensuu, Finland. Les Sables d'Olonne: International Speech Communication Association, 2018. p. 47-53. ISSN: 2312-2846. Detail

    ROHDIN, J.; SILNOVA, A.; DIEZ SÁNCHEZ, M.; PLCHOT, O.; MATĚJKA, P.; BURGET, L. End-to-End DNN Based Speaker Recognition Inspired by i-Vector and PLDA. In Proceedings of ICASSP. Calgary: IEEE Signal Processing Society, 2018. p. 4874-4878. ISBN: 978-1-5386-4658-8. Detail

  • 2017

    MATĚJKA, P.; NOVOTNÝ, O.; PLCHOT, O.; BURGET, L.; DIEZ SÁNCHEZ, M.; ČERNOCKÝ, J. Analysis of Score Normalization in Multilingual Speaker Recognition. In Proceedings of Interspeech 2017. Proceedings of Interspeech. Stockholm: International Speech Communication Association, 2017. p. 1567-1571. ISSN: 1990-9772. Detail

    MATĚJKA, P.; PLCHOT, O.; NOVOTNÝ, O.; CUMANI, S.; LOZANO DÍEZ, A.; SLAVÍČEK, J.; DIEZ SÁNCHEZ, M.; GRÉZL, F.; GLEMBEK, O.; KAMSALI VEERA, M.; SILNOVA, A.; BURGET, L.; ONDEL YANG, L.; KESIRAJU, S.; ROHDIN, J. BUT- PT System Description for NIST LRE 2017. Proceedings of NIST Language Recognition Workshop 2017. Orlando, Florida: National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2017. p. 1-6. Detail

    PLCHOT, O.; MATĚJKA, P.; SILNOVA, A.; NOVOTNÝ, O.; DIEZ SÁNCHEZ, M.; ROHDIN, J.; GLEMBEK, O.; BRÜMMER, N.; SWART, A.; PRIETO, J.; GARCIA PERERA, L.; BUERA, L.; KENNY, P.; ALAM, J.; BHATTACHARYA, G. Analysis and Description of ABC Submission to NIST SRE 2016. In Proceedings of Interspeech 2017. Proceedings of Interspeech. Stockholm: International Speech Communication Association, 2017. p. 1348-1352. ISSN: 1990-9772. Detail

    VESELÝ, K.; BASKAR, M.; DIEZ SÁNCHEZ, M.; BENEŠ, K. MGB-3 but system: Low-resource ASR on Egyptian YouTube data. In Proceedings of ASRU 2017. Okinawa: IEEE Signal Processing Society, 2017. p. 368-373. ISBN: 978-1-5090-4788-8. Detail

  • 2016


  • 2014

    PLCHOT, O.; DIEZ SÁNCHEZ, M.; SOUFIFAR, M.; BURGET, L. PLLR Features in Language Recognition System for RATS. In Proceedings of Interspeech 2014. Singapore: International Speech Communication Association, 2014. p. 3048-3051. ISBN: 978-1-63439-435-2. Detail

  • 2013

    KHOURY, E.; VESNICER, B.; FRANCO-PEDROSO, J.; DIEZ SÁNCHEZ, M.; CIPR, T.; SCHWARZ, P.; VAN LEEUWEN, D.; PETROVSKA-DELACRETAZ, D.; MATĚJKA, P.; RODRIGUEZ-FUENTES, L.; CHOLLET, G.; MARCEL, S. The 2013 Speaker Recognition Evaluation in Mobile Environment. Proceedings of Biometrics (ICB), 2013 International Conference on. Madrid: IEEE Biometric Council, 2013. p. 1-8. ISBN: 978-1-4799-0310-8. Detail

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