Selected Thirty Papers Published Before 2004

List of Papers in the Archive

Author Title Journal, Volume (No.) Year Pages in PDF
Meduna, A. Two-Way Metalinear PC Grammar Systems and Their Descriptional Complexity Acta Cybernetica 16 2004 2-8
Meduna, A. Coincidental extension of scattered context languages Acta Informatica 39 2003 9-14
Fernau, H., Meduna, A. A simultaneous reduction of several measures of descriptional complexity in scattered context grammars Information Processing Letters 86 2003 15-18
Meduna, A., et al. — previous and next paper MIXED — 2003 19-25
Meduna, A., Švec, M. Forbidding ET0L grammars Theoretical Computer Science 306 2003 26-36
Meduna, A., Švec, M. Descriptional Complexity of Generalized Forbidding Grammars Intern. J. Computer Math. 80 (1) 2003 37-43
Meduna, A. Simultaneously One-Turn Two-Pushdown Automata Intern. J. Computer Math. 80 (1) 2003 44-52
Meduna, A., Kolář, D. One-Turn Regulated Pushdown Automata and Their Reduction Fudamenta Informaticae 51 2002 53-56
Meduna, A., Kolář, D. Homogeneous grammars with a reduced number of non-context-free productions Information Processing Letters 81 2002 57-59
Meduna, A. Descriptional Complexity of Scattered Rewriting and Multirewriting: An Overview Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics 7 (4) 2002 60-66
Meduna, A., Vurm, P. Multisequential Grammars with Homogeneous Selectors Fundamenta Informaticae 48 (1) 2001 67-73
Meduna, A. Uniform Generation of Languages by Scattered Context Grammars Fundamenta Informaticae 45 (3) 2001 74-79
Meduna, A. Terminating left-hand sides of scattered context productions Theoretical Computer Science 237 2000 80-84
Meduna, A. Note: Generative power of three-nonterminal scattered context grammars Theoretical Computer Science 246 2000 85-88
Meduna, A. Economical Transformations of Phase-Structure Grammars to Scattered Context Grammars Acta Cybernetica 13 1998 89-99
Meduna, A. Descriptional Complexity of Multi-Continuous Grammars Acta Cybernetica 13 1998 100-105
Meduna, A. Uniform Rewriting Based on Permutations International Journal of Computer Mathematics 69 1998 106-114
Meduna, A. Six-Nonterminal Multi-Sequential Grammars Characterize the Family of Recursively Enumerable Languages Intern. J. Computer Math. 65 1997 115-120
Meduna, A. Four-Nonterminal Scattered Context Grammars Characterize the Family of Recursively Enumerable Languages Intern. J. Computer Math. 63 1997 121-137
Meduna, A. Syntactic complexity of context-free grammars over word monoids Acta Informatica 33 1996 138-141
Meduna, A. Syntactic complexity of scattered context grammars Acta Informatica 32 1995 142-149
Meduna, A. A Trivial Method of Characterizing the Family of Recursively Enumerable Languages by Scattered Context Grammars EATCS Bulletin 56 1995 150-151
Meduna, A., Crooks, C. J., Šárek, M. Syntactic Complexity of Regulated Rewriting Kybernetika 30 1994 152-161
Meduna, A., Gopalaratnam, A. On Semi-Conditional Grammars with Productions Having either Forbidding or Permitting Conditions Acta Cybernetica 11 (4) 1994 162-170
Meduna, A. Symbiotic E0L Systems Acta Cybernetica 10 (3) 1992 171-175
Meduna, A. A Formalization of Sequential, Parallel, and Continuous Rewriting Intern. J. Computer Math. 47 1993 176-180
Meduna, A. Global Context Conditional Grammars J. Inform. Process. Cybern. EIK 27 1991 181-185
Meduna, A. Context Free Derivations on Word Monoids Acta Informatica 27 1990 186-189
Meduna, A. On state grammars Acta Cybernetica. Tom. 8, Fasc. 3 1988 190-198
Meduna, A. Characterization of the Chomsky Hierarchy through Sequential-Parallel Grammars Rostock. Math. Kolloq. 32 1987 199-209
Meduna, A. Evaluated grammars Acta Cybernetica. Tom. 8, Fasc. 2 1987 210-218
Meduna, A. A Note on Exponential Density of ET0L Languages Kybernetika 22 (6) 1986 219-223
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