While the schedule is suggested so that each of its thirteen segments can be explained
during a three-hour class, the lectures correspond to the chapters without any particular
time schedule. The lectures also contain additional helpful material, including many
examples and figures.
Suggested Thirteen-Week Course Schedule
Week One ⋅ Introduction: Motivation and Terminology
Week Two ⋅ Formal Languages and Rewriting Systems
Week Three ⋅ Regular Languages and Their Models: Finite Automata and Regular Expressions
Week Four ⋅ Regular Languages and Their Models: Applications and Properties
Week Five ⋅ Context-Free Languages and Context-Free Grammars
Week Six ⋅ Context-Free Languages and Pushdown Automata
Week Seven ⋅ Context-Free Grammars and Pushdown Automata: Applications in Syntax Analysis
Week Eight ⋅ Context-Free Languages: Properties
Week Nine ⋅ Turing Machines and Their Languages
Week Ten ⋅ Turing Machines: Computability
Week Eleven ⋅ Turing Machines: Decidability and Complexity
Week Twelve ⋅ Turing Machines and Grammars
Week Thirteen ⋅ Conclusion
Lectures (PDF)
The following PDF files contain lectures concerning the topics covered during the thirteen-week course sketched above.