:!:**Due to the decreasing interest in LTA workshops apart from the students of respective courses, we decided to cancel LTA 2024 and keep only internal seminars in the courses. If you are interested in the talks from Compiler Construction, Graph Algorithms, or Modern Theoretical Computer Science courses, let us know, and we can individually invite you (program schedule included).** ====== LANGUAGE THEORY with APPLICATIONS 2023 (LTA 2023) ====== LTA 2023 is 13th student conference at the Faculty of Information Technology, Brno University of Technology. ===== Information ===== {{ :lectures:lta:lta23_logo_web.png?400&nolink|Language Theory with Applications 2023 (Logo)}} * **Subject:** Formal language theory and its applications in computer science * **Place:** [[https://www.fit.vut.cz/.en|FIT BUT]], Brno, Czech Republic * **Date:** December 4 - 14, 2023 * **Organizers:** - the [[https://www.fit.vut.cz/study/course/TID/.en|TID]], [[https://www.fit.vut.cz/study/course/RGD/.en|RGD]] and [[https://www.fit.vut.cz/study/course/VYPa/.en|VYPa]] teaching teams; - [[https://www.fit.vut.cz/research/group/fm/.en|Formal Model Research Group]], FIT BUT; - [[https://www.fit.vut.cz/units/uifs/.en|Department of Information Systems]], FIT BUT. * **Committee:** * [[https://www.fit.vut.cz/person/meduna/.en|Alexander Meduna]] (chair) * [[https://www.fit.vut.cz/person/krivka/.en|Zbyněk Křivka]] * [[https://www.fit.vut.cz/person/burgetr/.en|Radek Burget]] * [[https://www.fit.vut.cz/person/ihavelm/.en|Martin Havel]] * **Conference language:** English, Czech * **Coverage:** * LTA 2023 offers a variety of scientific talks on formal language theory and its computer-related applications at MSc and PhD levels. A special attention is paid to modern applications related to language translation. Most of the talks results from the students' work in the [[https://www.fit.vut.cz/study/course/TID/.en|TID]], [[https://www.fit.vut.cz/study/course/RGD/.en|RGD]] and [[https://www.fit.vut.cz/study/course/VYPa/.en|VYPa]] classes taught at FIT BUT. * **Style:** * Talks are presented so they clearly and quickly explain their significance to today's computer science. As a result, in some instances, results and their proofs may be outlined in an informal way. LTA does not tolerate presentations that hide their shallow contents behind exotic pictures. * **Purpose:** The purpose of this event is three-fold: - demonstrating the TID, RGD, and VYPa student work in public; - giving students the opportunity to present scientific talks in English; - improving communication between students and teachers interested in the subject of the conference. * **Audience**: Everybody is welcome to attend this event without any prior notice. There is no payment. * **Questions**: Contact [[krivka@fit.vutbr.cz|Zbyněk Křivka]] ===== Conference Schedule ===== ==== Main Talk ==== * **Hečko M.: Using Finite Automata to Decide First-Order Theory of Natural Numbers with Addition** * **Abstract**: {{ :lectures:lta:2023:lta23_opening_xhecko02.pdf |Full abstract (PDF)}} * The ability to algorithmically decide whether a given formula has a model is valuable to many areas of compiler construction and formal verification. It allows one to automatically prove that a given code optimization is sound to detect unintentional overflows and highlight other potential defects in a given program. Decision procedures are an active research area, and their implementations are being employed in the industry, e.g., to reason about the correctness of the configuration of critical infrastructure. This talk focuses on a decision procedure for the first-order theory of integers with addition (so-called Presburger arithmetic) based on the formal finite automata model. {{ :lectures:lta:2023:lta23_opening_xhecko02.pdf |(to be continued in PDF)}} * {{ :lectures:lta:2023:lta23_xhecko02-logic-automata.pdf |Slides (PDF)}} * **Schedule**: Thursday, December 7, 2023, 13:00-13:30 * **Classroom**: [[http://www.fit.vutbr.cz/FIT/map/fit1.php.en?show=M104&big=1|M104]]+[[https://www.fit.vut.cz/fit/map/.en?show=M105&big=1|M105]] * Chair: [[https://www.fit.vut.cz/person/meduna/.en|Alexander Meduna]] ==== SESSION 1 (on-line): Modern Theoretical Computer Science (Monday, December 4, 2023, 11:00-12:00, Google Meet) ==== * **Meeting session**: [[https://meet.google.com/vmg-fqmr-nco|Google Meet]] (accessible for persons outside of BUT after an approval) * **Chair**: [[https://www.fit.vut.cz/person/burgetr/.en|Radek Burget]] * **Talk duration**: 50 minutes for the presentation, 5 minutes for the discussion * **Level**: PhD * **Regular talks**: * [[xsalem00@stud.fit.vutbr.cz|Hamza Salem]]: Web Information Extraction: An Algorithm for Detecting Main Content in News ({{ :lectures:lta:2023:xsalem00_tid-abstract.pdf |Abstract}}) ==== SESSION 2 (on-site, room G202): Modern Theoretical Computer Science (Monday, December 11, 2023, 11:00-13:00) ==== * **Classroom**: [[http://www.fit.vutbr.cz/FIT/map/fit2.php.en?show=G202&big=1|G202]] * **Chair**: [[https://www.fit.vut.cz/person/meduna/.en|Alexander Meduna]] * **Talk duration**: 50 minutes for the presentation, 5 minutes for the discussion * **Level**: PhD * **Regular talks**: * [[ihavelm@fit.vut.cz|Havel Martin]]: How to Demonstrate Metalinearness by Tree-Restricted General Grammars ({{ :lectures:lta:2023:xhavel44_tid-abstract.pdf |Abstract}}) * [[iklembara@fit.vut.cz|Klembara Radovan]]: A Reduction of Scattered Context Grammars ({{ :lectures:lta:2023:xklemb01_tid-abstract.pdf |Abstract}}) ==== SESSION 3 (on-site, room M104+M105): Compiler Construction (Thursday, December 14, 2023, 11:00-14:30) ==== The list of talks from VYPa course follows. * **Classroom**: [[http://www.fit.vutbr.cz/FIT/map/fit1.php.en?show=M104&big=1|M104]]+[[https://www.fit.vut.cz/fit/map/.en?show=M105&big=1|M105]] * **Chair**: [[https://www.fit.vut.cz/person/krivka/.en|Zbyněk Křivka]] * **Talk duration**: 6+6 minutes for presentation, 1-3 minutes for the discussion * **Level**: MSc * **Early regular talk:** (Thursday, December 7, 2023, 13:30-13:45) * [[xboave00@stud.fit.vutbr.cz|Miguel Rodrigues]], [[xmelot00@stud.fit.vutbr.cz|Tomás Melo]]: Tree-sitter: Parser Generator ({{ :lectures:lta:2023:xboave00_xmelot00_abstract.pdf |Abstract}}) * **Regular talks**: (Thursday, December 14, 2023, 11:00-14:15) * [[xzhouz00@stud.fit.vutbr.cz|Zhou Zhihao]], [[xzhang04@stud.fit.vutbr.cz|Zhang Menghan]]: Closures - Syntax, Semantics and Implementation ({{ :lectures:lta:2023:xzhang04_xzhouz00_abstract.pdf |Abstract}}) * [[xvilal00@stud.fit.vutbr.cz|Luis Vila]], [[xluace00@stud.fit.vutbr.cz|Tessa Luaces De Fazio]]: Parallel and Distributed Parsing: A Practical Viewpoint ({{ :lectures:lta:2023:xluace00_xvilal00_abstract.pdf |Abstract}}) * [[xmoril01@stud.fit.vutbr.cz|Andrés Morilla]], [[xkucma00@stud.fit.vutbr.cz|Tomáš Kučma]]: Compiler Optimizations for Parallel Programs ({{ :lectures:lta:2023:xkucma00_xmoril01_abstract.pdf |Abstract}}) * [[xhecko02@stud.fit.vutbr.cz|Michal Hečko]], [[xmocar00@stud.fit.vutbr.cz|Peter Močáry]]: Translation with Finite State Transducers ({{ :lectures:lta:2023:xhecko02_xmocar00_abstract.pdf |Abstract}}) * [[xgysel00@stud.fit.vutbr.cz|Julie Gyselová]], [[xburda13@stud.fit.vutbr.cz|Luděk Burda]]: Processing of Logic Programming Languages ({{ :lectures:lta:2023:xburda13_xgysel00_abstract.pdf |Abstract}}) * [[xsmahl00@stud.fit.vutbr.cz|Barbora Šmahlíková]], [[xponek00@stud.fit.vutbr.cz|Timotej Ponek]]: Travatar: A Forest-to-String Machine Translation Engine based on Tree Transducers ({{ :lectures:lta:2023:xponek00_xsmahl00_abstract.pdf |Abstract}}) * [[xhrbac12@stud.fit.vutbr.cz|Adam R. Hrbáč]], [[xtothv02@stud.fit.vutbr.cz|Vaňo Pavol Toth]]: Hindley–Milner type system ({{ :lectures:lta:2023:xhrbac12_xtothv02_abstract.pdf |Abstract}}) * [[xmarti19@stud.fit.vutbr.cz|Thomas Martin]]: Dynamic Libraries ({{ :lectures:lta:2023:xmarti19_abstract.pdf |Abstract}}) * [[xbentc00@stud.fit.vutbr.cz|Kilyan Bentchakal]], [[xmorea00@stud.fit.vutbr.cz|Jolan Moreau]]: Code Metrics in Object-oriented Programming ({{ :lectures:lta:2023:xbentc00_xmorea00_abstract.pdf |Abstract}}) * [[xfranc01@stud.fit.vutbr.cz|Guilherme Franco]], [[xvilkh00@stud.fit.vutbr.cz|Pavlo Vilkhovyi]]: A study on the Relationship between language Interpretation and Automata theory based on the paper “Syntactic analysis employing automata theory” ({{ :lectures:lta:2023:xfranc01_xvilkh00_abstract.pdf |Abstract}}) * [[xnejed09@stud.fit.vutbr.cz|Dominik Nejedlý]], [[xoleks00@stud.fit.vutbr.cz|Samuel Olekšák]]: Modeling plant development with L-systems ({{ :lectures:lta:2023:xnejed09_xoleks00_abstract.pdf |Abstract}}) * [[xmatuf00@stud.fit.vutbr.cz|Ján Maťufka]], [[xpysik00@stud.fit.vutbr.cz|Michal Pyšík]]: Restricting Grammars with Tree Automata ({{ :lectures:lta:2023:xmatuf00_xpysik00_abstract.pdf |Abstract}}) * [[xhaasp00@stud.fit.vutbr.cz|Patrik Haas]], [[xsedym02@stud.fit.vutbr.cz|Michal Šedý]]: Two-Dimensional Jumping Finite Automata ({{ :lectures:lta:2023:xhaasp00_xsedym02_abstract.pdf |Abstract}}) ===== Conference history ===== * [[http://www.fit.vutbr.cz/~meduna/work/doku.php?id=lectures:lta:lta22|LTA 2022]] * [[http://www.fit.vutbr.cz/~meduna/work/doku.php?id=lectures:lta:lta21|LTA 2021]] * [[http://www.fit.vutbr.cz/~meduna/work/doku.php?id=lectures:lta:lta20|LTA 2020]] * [[http://www.fit.vutbr.cz/~meduna/work/doku.php?id=lectures:lta:lta19|LTA 2019]] * [[http://www.fit.vutbr.cz/~meduna/work/doku.php?id=lectures:lta:lta18|LTA 2018]] * [[http://www.fit.vutbr.cz/~meduna/work/doku.php?id=lectures:lta:lta17|LTA 2017]] * [[http://www.fit.vutbr.cz/~meduna/work/doku.php?id=lectures:lta:lta16|LTA 2016]] * [[http://www.fit.vutbr.cz/~meduna/work/doku.php?id=lectures:lta:lta15|LTA 2015]] * [[http://www.fit.vutbr.cz/~meduna/work/doku.php?id=lectures:lta:lta14|LTA 2014]] * [[http://www.fit.vutbr.cz/~meduna/work/doku.php?id=lectures:lta:lta13|LTA 2013]] * [[http://www.fit.vutbr.cz/~meduna/work/doku.php?id=lectures:lta:lta12|LTA 2012]] * [[http://www.fit.vutbr.cz/~meduna/work/doku.php?id=lectures:lta:lta11|LTA 2011]]