===== Introduction ===== This website presents the major results of my creative work. These results primarily concern computer science, mathematics and visual art. Teaching material, including audio recordings and useful textbooks, is available here, too. The site also contains my students' works. ===== Contents ===== ==== Personal Profile ==== [[vita:vita|Vita]] ==== Academic Activities ==== [[talks:talks|Visits and Talks]], [[talks:papers|Papers]], [[talks:phdthesis|PhD Theses]], [[talks:seminar|Seminar on Formal Languages and Their Models]] ==== Teaching Materials ==== [[lectures:lectures|Lectures]], [[lectures:books:books|Books]], Student workshop [[lectures:lta:lta23|Language Theory with Applications]] ==== Art and Related Activities ==== [[art:art|Visual Art]], [[art:poetry|Poetry Reading]], [[art:articles|Articles]], [[art:interviews|Interviews]] ==== My Students' Works ==== [[projects:projects|Projects]], [[students:students|Students Section]] ==== Miscellaneous ==== [[miscellaneous:miscellaneous|Miscellaneous]] ==== Photos ==== [[lectures:public_photos|Public]], [[private_life:private_life|Private]] ===== About this wiki ===== [[wiki:info_for_users|Souhrné a doplňkové informace]] pro uživatele tohoto wiki a pro potencionální přispěvovatele.