Linguistics, Artificial Intelligence and Language and Speech Technologies: from Research to Applications, EU, MEZISEKTOROVÁ SPOLUPRÁCE, CZ.02.01.01/00/23_020/0008518, start: 2025-01-01, end: 2028-12-31, running
Multilingual and Cross-cultural interactions for context-aware, and bias-controlled dialogue systems for safety-critical applications, EU, HORIZON EUROPE, start: 2024-01-01, end: 2026-12-31, running
Practical verification of the possibility of integrating artificial intelligence for receiving emergency calls using a voice chatbot, developed within the research project BV No. VI20192022169, with technology for receiving emergency communications, MV, 1 VS OPSEC, VK01020132, start: 2023-01-06, end: 2025-10-31, running
Deep learning in psychotherapy: Machine learning applied on therapeutic session recordings, TAČR, 3. veřejná soutěž Program na podporu aplikovaného společenskovědního a humanitního výzkumu, experimentálního vývoje a inovací ÉTA, TL03000049, start: 2020-05-01, end: 2023-08-31, completed
Robust processing of recordings for operations and security, MV, PROGRAM STRATEGICKÁ PODPORA ROZVOJE BEZPEČNOSTNÍHO VÝZKUMU ČR 2019-2025 (IMPAKT 1) PODPROGRAMU 1 SPOLEČNÉ VÝZKUMNÉ PROJEKTY (BV IMP1/1VS), VJ01010108, start: 2020-10-01, end: 2025-09-30, running
Neural Representations in multi-modal and multi-lingual modeling, GACR, Grantové projekty exelence v základním výzkumu EXPRO - 2019, GX19-26934X, start: 2019-01-01, end: 2023-12-31, completed
IARPA Machine Translation for English Retrieval of Information in Any Language (MATERIAL) - Foreign Language Automated Information Retrieval (FLAIR), IARPA, start: 2017-09-21, end: 2021-10-22, completed
IT4Innovations excellence in science, MŠMT, Národní program udržitelnosti II, LQ1602, start: 2016-01-01, end: 2020-12-31, completed
Information mining in speech acquired by distant microphones, MV, Bezpečnostní výzkum České republiky 2015-2020, VI20152020025, start: 2015-10-01, end: 2020-09-30, completed
IARPA Building Speech Recognition for Keyword Search in a New Language in a Week with Limited Training Data (BABEL) - Babelon, BBN, start: 2012-03-05, end: 2016-11-04, completed