Answer to EC Tender CNECT/LUX/2022/OP/0030 - LANGUAGE TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS Lot 2, EU, Digital Europe Programme, start: 2023-01-01, end: 2025-03-31, running
Long Life Power Platforms for Internet of Things, MŠMT, Společná technologická iniciativa KDT, 9A23012, start: 2023-06-01, end: 2026-05-31, running
Soudobé metody zpracování, analýzy a zobrazování multimediálních a 3D dat, BUT, Vnitřní projekty VUT, FIT-S-23-8278, start: 2023-03-01, end: 2026-02-28, running
Speech enhancement front-end for robust automatic speech recognition with large amount of training data, NTT, start: 2023-01-02, end: 2024-01-31, completed