Hardware-Aware Machine Learning: From Automated Design to Innovative and Explainable Solutions, GACR, Standardní projekty, GA24-10990S, start: 2024-01-01, end: 2026-12-31, running
Application-specific HW/SW architectures and their applications, BUT, Vnitřní projekty VUT, FIT-S-23-8141, start: 2023-03-01, end: 2026-02-28, running
PGine: Py/Bioconda software package for calculation of polygenic risk score in plants, BUT, Vnitřní projekty VUT, FEKT/FIT-J-23-8274, start: 2023-03-01, end: 2024-02-28, running
Automated design of hardware accelerators for resource-aware machine learning, GACR, Standardní projekty, GA21-13001S, start: 2021-01-01, end: 2023-12-31, completed