Jan Beran
External Pedagogue
VÍDEŇSKÝ, F.; ZBOŘIL, F.; BERAN, J.; KOČÍ, R.; ZBOŘIL, F. Comparing Variable Handling Strategies in BDI Agents: Experimental Study. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence - Volume 1. Rome: SciTePress - Science and Technology Publications, 2024.
p. 25-36. ISBN: 978-989-758-680-4. Detail -
ZBOŘIL, F.; DOKOUPIL, L.; VÍDEŇSKÝ, F.; BERAN, J. General deSouches commands multi-agent army for performing in Agents Assembe III scenario: FIT-BUT at MAPC 2022. In The Multi-Agent Programming Contest 2022 Coordinating Agents in a Dynamic World: Agents Follow the Rules, or Not. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Lecture Notes of Artificial Intelligence. Berlin: Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2023.
p. 120-150. ISSN: 1611-3349. Detail