Artificial Intelligence Driven Autonomy, TAČR, Národní centra kompetence 1, TN01000029, TN01000029/02, start: 2019-01-01, end: 2020-12-31, completed
Flight Training Evaluation Software, TAČR, Program na podporu aplikovaného výzkumu a experimentálního vývoje EPSILON (2015-2025), TH04010325, start: 2019-01-01, end: 2021-12-31, completed
Phonexia - Educational activity, Phonexia, start: 2018-12-01, end: 2020-05-31, completed
Delivery of an acoustic model of automatic speech recognizer for Arabic language - dialect: Gulf Arabic, Phonexia, start: 2017-07-01, end: 2017-12-31, completed
IARPA Machine Translation for English Retrieval of Information in Any Language (MATERIAL) - Foreign Language Automated Information Retrieval (FLAIR), IARPA, start: 2017-09-21, end: 2021-10-22, completed
IT4Innovations excellence in science, MŠMT, Národní program udržitelnosti II, LQ1602, start: 2016-01-01, end: 2020-12-31, completed
Big speech data analytics for contact centers, EU, Horizon 2020, start: 2015-01-01, end: 2017-12-31, completed
Delivery of the acoustic model, language model and pronunciation dictionary for the French language, Phonexia, start: 2015-07-23, end: 2015-12-31, completed
Development of models for technology of trnasfer of oral speech into the text (automatic speech recognition) for French language, Inkubátor VUT, start: 2015-07-23, end: 2015-11-30, completed
Delivery of the acoustic model, language model and pronunciation dictionary for the Spanish language, Phonexia, start: 2014-09-20, end: 2014-10-30, completed
Applying Pilots Models for Safer Aircraft, MŠMT, Podpora projektů sedmého rámcového programu Evropského společenství pro výzkum, technologický rozvoj a demonstrace (2007 až 2013) podle zákona č. 171/2007 Sb., 7E13047, start: 2013-09-01, end: 2016-08-31, completed
IARPA Building Speech Recognition for Keyword Search in a New Language in a Week with Limited Training Data (BABEL) - Babelon, BBN, start: 2012-03-05, end: 2016-11-04, completed
Event-based Retrieval of Networked Media, MŠMT, Podpora projektů sedmého rámcového programu Evropského společenství pro výzkum, technologický rozvoj a demonstrace (2007 až 2013) podle zákona č. 171/2007 Sb., 7E12055, start: 2011-07-01, end: 2012-11-30, completed
DARPA Robust Automatic Transcription of Speech (RATS) - RATS Patrol I, BBN, start: 2010-09-23, end: 2014-06-30, completed
Multilingual recognition and search in speech for electronic dictionaries, MPO, TIP, FR-TI1/034, start: 2009-09-01, end: 2013-08-31, completed
Theory and applications of phoneme posterior estimation in speech processing, GACR, Doktorské granty, GP102/09/P635, start: 2009-01-01, end: 2011-12-31, completed
Overcoming the language barrier complicating investigation into financing terrorism and serious financial crimes, MV, Program bezpečnostního výzkumu, VD20072010B16, start: 2007-08-01, end: 2010-12-31, completed
Security-Oriented Research in Information Technology, MŠMT, Institucionální prostředky SR ČR (např. VZ, VC), MSM0021630528, start: 2007-01-01, end: 2013-12-31, running
CARETAKER - Content Analysis and REtrieval Technologies to Apply Knowledge Extraction to massive Recording, EU, Sixth Framework programme, 027231, start: 2006-03-01, end: 2008-09-30, completed
Research and development of corpus and speech technologies in new generation of electronic dictionaries, MPO, TANDEM, FT-TA3/006, start: 2006-06-01, end: 2009-12-31, completed
New trends in research and application of voice technology, GACR, Standardní projekty, GA102/05/0278, start: 2005-01-01, end: 2007-12-31, completed
Augmented Multi-party Interaction, EU, Sixth Framework programme, 506811-AMI, start: 2004-01-01, end: 2006-12-31, completed
Voice technologies for support of information society, GACR, Standardní projekty, GA102/02/0124, start: 2002-01-01, end: 2004-12-31, completed