Michael Frydrych
external - HUT
DOBŠÍK, M.; FRYDRYCH, M. Biomechnically Based Muscle Model for Dynamic Computer Animation. International Conference on Computer Vision and Graphics 2004. Computational Imaging and Vision. Warsaw: Kluwer Verlag, 2004.
p. 448-455. ISBN: 1-4020-4178-0. Detail -
FRYDRYCH, M.; DOBŠÍK, M.; KÄTSYRI, J.; SAMS, M. Toolkit for Animation of Finnish Talking Head. ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Audio Visual Speech Processing (AVSP'03). International Conference on Audio-Visual Speech Processing. St Jorioz France: International Speech Communication Association, 2003.
p. 199-204. ISSN: 1680-8908. Detail -
VORÁČEK, J.; FRYDRYCH, M.; KÄLVIÄINEN, H.; TOIVANEN, P.; ZEMČÍK, P. Multispectral Image Colour Encoding. Proceedings of SteP 2000 Finnish Artificial Intelligence Symposium. Finnish Artificial Intelligence Conference. Helsinki: unknown, 2000.
p. 143-150. ISBN: 951-22-5129-9. ISSN: 0782-0089. DetailZEMČÍK, P.; FRYDRYCH, M.; KÄLVIÄINEN, H.; VORÁČEK, J.; TOIVANEN, P. Multispectral Image Colour Encoding. Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition. Proceedings of the International Conference on Pattern Recognition. Los Alamitos, CA: unknown, 2000.
p. 609-612. ISBN: 0-7695-0750-6. ISSN: 1051-4651. Detail