

An algorithm that knows what film or book you would enjoy. A FIT student received a grant to design it

Altogether eight projects received an award in the second round of the Soutěž podnikatelských nápadů (Business Ideas Competition) launched by the South Moravian Innovation Centre last autumn. Petr Buchal, a student of FIT, was one of the successful presenters. He entered the competition with his project Discover Yourself which is based on a specific algorithm. It is designed to help people choose a book, a film, or a video game they will enjoy based on their choice of various preselected criteria. "I'm sure you know that feeling when you have just finished reading a book you liked and thought to yourself that you wouldn't mind reading a similar one. But you didn't really know where and how to look for it. Petr came up with an algorithm that uses data about what you usually read, watch, listen to and play and proposes a tailored solution," describes Vojtěch Krmíček from South Moravian Innovation Centre who specialises in development of entrepreneurial creativity at schools. The young programmer estimates that the development of the application that uses the principles of machine learning will take about six months. The South Moravian Innovation Centre distributed a total of 430,000 Czech crowns among successful students to help them develop their businesses.


FIT ranked in the TOP 3 in Týden magazine’s comparison of universities

In the comparison of universities published by Týden magazine, Faculty of Information Technology ranked third (behind Faculty of Chemical Technology of UCT Prague and Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering of CTU) in the category Technical sciences.

The comparison considered criteria such as interest in studies, quality of teaching and scientific personnel and SIR points that the faculty receives for specialised publications, articles, major grants and other scientific activities. "By publishing our own comparison, we do not mean to replace the national regulatory authorities. However, we would like to make the choice of university easier. Besides, our current students will certainly appreciate the information on the quality of their university. By publishing the comparisons of individual categories we would also like to appreciate universities that we consider true centres of education as we imagine the higher education institutions should be," says Daniel Koppl, Executive Director of Empresa Media, the publisher of TÝDEN magazine.


Happy New Year 2020

Dear students, employees, graduates and friends of FIT,

This year - the year of its 120th anniversary - BUT received an institutional accreditation as the first technical university in the Czech Republic. It helped us innovate and obtain accreditation for the Bachelor's programme, as well as the Master's programme within which we launched 17 new specialisations. Furthermore, we introduced a Master's programme taught in English and accepted slightly more students in both the Bachelor's and Master's studies. It was a good year, in many other aspects too. In the following year, we would like to focus primarily on the quality of education, research and development and international co-operation, as well as the stability of conditions required for smooth operation of the faculty.

I would like to thank all those who have put their efforts to the work and studies at the faculty and wish you stability and happiness in the next year and merry and peaceful Christmas.

Pavel Zemčík, Dean of FIT BUT



DevConf returns to FIT. It will welcome more than 300 speakers from around the world in January

DevConf 2020 - the biggest event for developers, administrators, and users of Linux and open source in Central Europe - is once again going to take place in co-operation with the Faculty of Information Technology at the FIT campus. Over 1500 participants and 300 speakers from all over the word are expected to participate in the 12th year of the conference which will take place from 24 to 26 January. This year, the conference will tackle a variety of topics ranging from the development of cloud applications to machine learning, artificial intelligence and infrastructure administration tools. Workshops on application development and other advanced topics in the area of source development will also be available. Find the full agenda of the conference HERE. A record of the main presentations will be published after the event.

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