
Star(t)up@FIT: Students will be able to talk to successful start-up owners and investment managers, as well as to each other

What experience have you gained from your journey towards a successful business? Where to get the funds to start a new business? What are the success factors and what are the common mistakes of new entrepreneurs? These and other questions will be answered during the first two seminars of the Star(t)up@FIT programme. These will take place online - on Thursday, 22 October, there will be a panel discussion titled Od studenta k CEO/CTO (From Student to CEO/CTO) with successful start-up owners, and on Wednesday, 4 November, a discussion with Martin Kešner, Investment Director of a VC Fund - J&T Ventures, as part of the Od nápadu k produktu (From Idea to Product) seminar. Students can also discuss their innovative and business ideas with each other and with FIT consultants in a working group established on Discord.


First-year students in the Master's study programme will receive new Raspberry Pi microcomputers from FIT

FIT will give out over two hundred small single-board Raspberry Pi 4 computers with small accessories to first-year FIT students enrolled in the Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence Master's study programme. "Students can use them in a number of courses and, in addition, in the current situation they can work on various school projects from home," says Pavel Zemčík, Dean of the Faculty of Information Technology. However, the Raspberry Pi has a much wider use - students can, for example, connect small electronic devices to it, use it to play multimedia content, run office programs, browse the web or use it to automate their home. "We hope that with this new initiative, we will be able to pass on a positive attitude towards hardware and, in particular, an impulse that might kickstart other interesting projects," adds Pavel Zemčík. Starting from 1 October, all new first-year students of the Master's study programme can collect the microcomputers at the Student Services Department during office hours.


Algorithms developed at FIT help photographers. The new function can automatically straighten lines

Zoner Photo Studio can now recognise lines in the photo and straighten the photo according to these lines thanks to a new feature developed at the Faculty of Information Technology. It will be especially useful for architecture photographers. "They often want the vertical lines to be actually vertical and the photo not to "fall". The new feature detects lines that converge in the photo and automatically selects the appropriate ones for comparison. This makes it possible to correct the perspective of the image, but, at the same time, the software makes sure that the degree of deformation is not too significant," explains Roman Juránek, the author of the library, which Zoner has newly integrated into its product. You can see how intelligent line straightening works in the video.

The solution is part of the TAČR (Technology Agency of the Czech Republic) project. The computer graphics research group has also developed a solution for anonymising faces and vehicle license plates and is working on smart noise reduction in photographs or horizon detection.


Regional Hygiene Station prohibits the personal participation of students in classes starting from tomorrow

With effect from September 23, 2020, the Regional Hygiene Station of the South Moravian Region prohibits the personal presence of students in classes. This measure applies to all universities in Brno, including the Brno University of Technology. Already on Friday, the BUT informed that the maximum of possible subjects will be taught online, the regional hygienists then set the following exceptions for the day-time participation of students:

  • Individual visits to libraries and study rooms;
  • Individual consultations;
  • Examining max. 10 people present;
  • Laboratory, experimental or artistic work up to 15 people present;
  • Clinical and practical teaching and practice.

This measure of RHS SMR is valid until further notice, similar measures have been approved in other regions of the Czech Republic. BUT faculties and departments already determine which of the trainings, seminars and laboratories must be kept in a day-time form and will be covered by the above-mentioned limit numbers.

BUT will start with day-time teaching, from the second week it will move as much as possible to online teaching

Due to the worsening situation regarding the spread of coronavirus, the BUT management decided to make changes in the organization of teaching. In an effort to protect the health of students and employees of the Brno University of Technology, therefore, part of the teaching will gradually move to the online courses.

From the second week onwards, which starts on September 28, the maximum of teaching will be moved online. This applies especially to large lectures, which can be adjusted to this form without major problems. BUT faculties and departments will decide which of the training, seminars and laboratories must be kept in a day-time form, and these will take place in compliance with strict hygienic rules.

At the same time, please observe all points arising from the previous Rector's Regulation. We also draw attention to the obligation to wear masks during classes.

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