
The Digital Innovation Game is back at FIT

After a year, a unique workshop, aimed at familiarising students with the Design Thinking method and showing them how to turn an idea into a business through play and a playful simulation, returns to FIT. On Wednesday, 16 December, its participants will have a chance to verify that innovative thinking is a skill that can be acquired and developed. During the interactive workshop, they will learn about the individual phases of getting to know the user and their needs, get acquainted with the prototype preparation process, and last but not least, get some useful tips for their final presentation. The workshop, led by Design Thinking and digital competence coach Martina Bláhová, was a part of the Startup Booster programme at FIT. More information and sign-up options can be found on the website of JIC, which organizes the event in co-operation with BUT FIT and EIT Digital. 


2020th Ceremonial Academic Assembly of BUT Rector awarded 8 people associated with FIT

Eight individuals associated with FIT chosen from among its students, employees, or co-workers, have been awarded by the Rector Petr Štěpánek at the CeremonialAcademic Assembly of BUT. The annual ceremony, announcing the Best Teachers Award winner and honouring selected individuals associated with the university, was scheduled for 24 November, but was cancelled due to the current situation. On these grounds, students and academics who took part in the "VUT pomáhá" (BUT Helps) project and contributed to the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, symbolically received the awards and a thank you from the Rector in a video message and a booklet, which can be found HERE.

FIT BUT Awardees:

Silver Medal

  • prof. RNDr. Alexandr Meduna, CSc. - for outstanding academic achievement in teaching, research and scientific work.
  • doc. RNDr. Jitka Kreslíková, CSc. - for significant contribution in the area of teaching.

Memorial Medal

  • prof. Hao Liu, Ph.D. - for fostering co-operation between FIT BUT and Beihang University, Beijing University of Technology, and Xihua University
  • Ing. Marcela Oravcová - for long-term exceptional achievement in organisational activities.

BUT Helps - honourable mention

  • Ing. Radek Hranický

Award of the Rector for students of BUT

  • Ing. Roman Andriushchenko - for outstanding academic achievement in the Master's programme.

Best teacher according to BUT students

  • doc. RNDr. Dana Hliněná, Ph.D. - best teacher as selected by BUT students in the Bachelor's studies category, BUT Faculty of Information Technology
  • doc. Ing. Jiří Jaroš, Ph.D. - best teacher as selected by BUT students in the Master's studies category, BUT Faculty of Information Technology

Students from Brno have won gold at the iGEM competition with their solution for cleaning water from blue-green algae

A team of students from the Masaryk University and Brno University of Technology called Generation Mendel has won gold medal and was nominated for Best Environment Project at the International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) global competition. Students from FIT, twins Petr and Pavel Kohout and Gabriela Chmelařová as an advisor, are also part of the winning team who came up with the design for a solution for cleaning water from blue-green algae. For more information, read the article


The Night of Scientists will be held online. Explaining the co-operation between humans and robots

Over twenty videos have been prepared by the BUT researchers for this year's Night of Scientists, which will be exceptionally held online. Faculty of Information Technology will take this opportunity to show its numerous facilities used for research on human-computer interaction. The faculty representatives will explain their usage of augmented reality for robot programming, present some results in the area of machine learning and guide the listeners through the research into a new concept of programming robots in their own 3D working environment. The videos are already available on the Night of Scientists website. 


The Josef Hlávka Award for talented students was presented to Simeon Borko from FIT

One of this year's winners presented with the Josef Hlávka Award for talented students was Simeon Borko from FIT. He received the award for his work on the EnzymeMiner project which he described in his Bachelor's thesis and in a publication in the international journal Nucleic Acids Research. EnzymeMiner is a computational tool that enables automated mining and annotation of diverse enzyme sequences and thus serves as an aid in finding suitable enzymes for research and industry. The prestigious award of the Nadání Josefa, Marie a Zdeňky Hlávkových (Foundation of Josef, Marie and Zdeňka Hlávka) is presented annually to talented students and graduates or young researchers under the age of 33. The award is regularly presented on the eve of the Velvet Revolution anniversary at Josef Hlávka Chateau in Lužany u Přeštic, but this year the ceremony did not take place due to the epidemic. 

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