
FIT technology powered drone to reveal dangers at large gatherings

A traffic accident, an athlete's collapse or a smoke bomb - all of these need to be addressed as soon as possible to prevent injury or further damage. However, it is sometimes not possible for human beings to identify exactly where the problem originated in the ensuing confusion and to direct rescuers to the right place. The new "anomaly detection system" was created by computer science students and offered to police officers, who could use it to quickly and automatically detect a problem and put it on a map. You can find more in the article


(F)IT Summer School for Girls will support female IT students for the fifteenth time

The Faculty of Information Technology of BUT will host fifteenth edition of the (F)IT Summer School for Girls. Its aim is to encourage girls to pursue education in IT. "Although the proportion of female students at our faculty is slowly increasing, the number is still far from ideal. This is also reflected in the representation of women in this field, with the Czech Republic still lagging behind most European countries in this respect. Since women are very successful in IT, it is a great shame that there are not more of them in this field," says Pavel Zemčík, Dean of the Faculty.

This year's event, which will take place from 23 to 27 August, is aimed at female secondary school students. The five-day event will introduce them to different areas of information technology and the latest trends, but most importantly, they will have the opportunity to try everything out in practice. Participants can look forward to programming a video game, building a robot, creating a chat application, making a prototype using a 3D printer, seeing virtual reality demonstrations or working with biometrics.

"We are a technical university, but there is no reason why IT should be more difficult for women. Even our experience shows how successful women are in IT. The idea that IT is not for women still probably resonates in some parts of society, which is a great shame," says Vítězslav Beran, Vice-Dean for External Relations. The Summer School would like to help break down this stereotype and show that IT is a diverse and creative field, in which you can do anything, provided you have a solid baseline. "Nowadays, information technology affects almost every aspect of our lives, therefore, it is important that both men and women are involved in designing new technologies. Women are truly welcome in IT, because they can bring fresh perspectives to problem solving and teamwork," adds Šárka Květoňová, the head organiser of the event.

More information and the programme of the event can be found on the Summer School's website or the event page on Facebook.


Overloaded emergency lines? AI will help.

Czech scientists, including researchers from the Faculty of Information Technology, are developing a voice bot which should be activated in case emergency lines become extremely overloaded. Voice bots should be able to increase capacities in case of a huge number of telephone calls to emergency control centres and thus may prove beneficial during serious natural disasters. The voice bot is developed by a team of 38 experts from various institutions: FIT BUT, IT4Innovations, Faculty of Safety Engineering, VSB-TUO and three companies - Phonexia, BornDigital and SpeechTech which focus on text analysis and speech recognition and synthesis. The first prototype able to manage telephone calls regarding fire will be ready during the holidays. The project team will then work on its usability for other types of emergencies. The project should be finished in the second half of 2022. More information to be found in the press release of the IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Centre which is a project coordinator together with VSB-TUO.

New technology from FIT to help with pilot training

New technology developed at the Faculty of Information Technology of the Brno University of Technology will help pilots train air combat tactics. They will face artificial intelligence in simulated aerial combat. The AIDA project was conceived in co-operation between researchers and students from FIT BUT and VR Group, a.s. For more information, read the article


Czechitas Thesis Award for Kristýna Zaklová of FIT

Three best Bachelor's theses in the field of IT submitted between February 2020 and February 2021 won the Czechitas Thesis Award. The award for the best IT thesis written by a woman was presented to Kristýna Zaklová of FIT for her design and creation of a web-based search engine "Komu patřím" (Who do I belong to) that allows users to search for records of registered pets. It can make the job easier especially for animal control, veterinarians, police and other people who need to identify a pet and its owner (we informed about it on the FIT website earlier this year). The committee evaluated the uniqueness of the idea, the quality of the thesis, its use in practice and evolution of the project based on mentoring which all participants underwent.

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