
Rector awarded prizes to great personages of BUT. The silver medal was presented to Adam Herout

On Thursday, the Rector Petr Štěpánek awarded prizes to twelve personages of Brno University of Technology. Professor Adam Herout, who specializes in computer vision at FIT, received a silver medal for his work in the areas of teaching, research and developlment.


An app developed by a FIT student helps create a perfect diet

Kilojoules and protein intake, eating chicken with rice instead of burger with fries - do you think that only bodybuilders worry about their diet? That's not the case at all! Everyone should be interested in nutrition, whether they want to lose weight, build muscles, or just maintain the same weight they had when they were twenty (if advisable). It should now be easier than ever to create the perfect diet thanks to an app developed by a computer science student from Brno University of Technology. Lovers of sweets or the aforementioned burger will also find something to enjoy.

For more information, read the article


20th anniversary of the founding of the Faculty of Information Technology

On the 1st of January 2022, the Faculty of Information Technology celebrated its twentieth "birthday". It was exactly 20 years ago that the Faculty was established on the foundations of what was then the Institute of Computer Science and Technology of the former Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (which split into FIT and FEEC in 2002).

For the year 2022, FIT is thus preparing a series of events and materials to commemorate the Faculty's 20th anniversary. The celebrations will culminate on Saturday 30 April 2022 with the FIT Festival. Follow for more details.


Dominik Harmim from FIT is among the winners of the Brno Ph.D. Talent competition

Twenty-five young talents selected by the expert jury of the Brno Ph.D. Talent competition will receive financial support from Brno City Hall for their work. Dominik Harmim, one of the awardees, is a doctoral student working on efficient methods for analysis and error-finding in parallel programs at the Department of Intelligent Systems as part of Prof. Tomáš Vojnar's VeriFIT research group.

The competition is organised by the JCMM and is intended for PhD students with promising research projects. Awardees will receive a three-year grant allowing them to fully devote themselves to pursuing their research.


New FIT professor Jan Černocký appointed by the President

On Wednesday, President Miloš Zeman appointed new professors based on the proposals of university scientific and artistic boards. Jan Černocký, head of the Department of Computer Graphics and Multimedia at the Faculty of Information Technology is among the eighty newly appointed professors. In 1997 he founded the now highly successful BUT Speech@FIT research group and continues to serve as its Executive Director. His research focuses on artificial intelligence, signal processing and speech data mining. He is also an active populariser of his field and a well-known science communicator.

The President's decision must still be co-signed by the Prime Minister, and the appointment decrees will then be handed over to the new professors by the Minister of Education.

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